Magenest Event Tickets

Magenest Event Tickets 101.4.3

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Magento2 Compatibility
  1. 2.1.x
  2. 2.2.x
  3. 2.3.x
  4. 2.4.x
  5. EE 2.1.X
  6. EE 2.2.X
  7. EE 2.3.X
  8. EE 2.4.X
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessMagenest Event Tickets 101.4.3 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.5 MB File size. From Magenest Event Tickets have 1 Description Attachments, 75 Views.
Power your event business with our must-have Event Tickets for Magento 2. Set up events of all kinds - music concerts, movie screenings, conferences & seminars, workshops, tasting events, etc.

- Create multi-venue, multi-date events
- Create multiple ticket types and options
- Design printable PDF tickets in Magento 2 back-end
- Tickets have Barcode and QR Code
- Manage event attendees
- Email reminders - Notify customers of upcoming events

Manage event attendees with ease
Manage event attendees with event and customer information. Merchants could easily keep track of the attendees with the ticket status. On the other hand, they can create the email templates to send reminder emails to customers, updating the event information.

Create tickets for events with flexible options
Allow merchants to design their own event tickets that match particular events created. This tailor-made feature helps merchants to customize the ticket design they want and later on to easily manage the events, especially many events at one time.

Manage events using different information
Admin can manage the event list in a grid view mode, show the event with information such as Event Code, Event Name, Created Time, Updated Time. In addition, admin can directly export the list into CSV and Excel XML Files for offline management.
Extention type
File size
1.5 MB
First release
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