Lyngva - Translation Agency WordPress 1.1.1

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessLyngva - Translation Agency WordPress 1.1.1 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is rar Extention type and 12.2 MB File size. From Lyngva - Translation Agency WordPress have 1 Description Attachments, 148 Views.

This is Lyngva – Translation Agency WordPress Theme, packed-up with niche functionalities and blocks, powered by Aheto plugin. It includes unique service pages that will suit your service requirements, also such as unique and specially dedicated pages as – About Us, Leadership, Locations, Certificates, Career, Services, Showcases and everything else required to successfully create a website. The theme is not limited to just for translation purposes and could easily be adapted to suit a wide range of applications.

Lyngva is fully responsive and designed with high-end research in mind so naturally, it is a theme for mobile-friendly websites and applications, every single feature and page element will look amazing on the screens of tablets and mobile phones. It includes page templates and layouts created specifically to be the responsive visual environment on the market today.

We made the theme compatible with such premium plugins as Contact form 7, Booked, Google Maps, Elementor, and Gutenberg.

For more information regarding this product, you can read the extensive theme documentation source. If you meet any issues using this theme our tech support is always happy to help!
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12.2 MB
First release
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