+3 New skins: Home Decor, Swimsuits, Barber Shop
+3 New Product page templates: Grid 1 column, Grid 2 column, Grid combined
New section Vertical slider
New section Categories Accordion Horizontal
New section Brands Ticker
New section Featured list - Grid 4x1
Option Fixed footer
Option Vertical inner padding for Header section
Option Inner space size for Banners grid section
Option Video darkness intensity for banners in the Banners grid section
Option Decoration 2 for Header
Custom liquid section options
Loox reviews support
Search in the header visibility option
Collection filter categories for mobile
Ticker text color options
Banners grid section: banner heights for mosaic layout
Cart page: spacing in the heading
Product page: compared and related product sources
Shipping Calculator: popup when the header cart is disabled
Agreement checkbox: status preserved when the cart is updated
- ADDED: Visual inventory status in the product swatches
- ADDED: Crossed soldout variants in the product swatches
- ADDED: +2 New skins: MakeUp, Sweets Store
- ADDED: Option to show only products on advanced search (without articles and text pages)
- ADDED: Language selector option - truncate or not truncate language names
- ADDED: Option to show hide the footer group links by default on mobile
- ADDED: Option to enable/disable a subscription badge on the product card
- ADDED: Sale price for product cards - Modern
- ADDED: Section background image for mobile option
- ADDED: Section background color option
- ADDED: New section Categories Accordion
- ADDED: New layout for Blog Posts section - Preset 4 Accordion
- ADDED: New layout for Instagram section - Preset 5 Grid of squares Mixed
- ADDED: New layout for Features list section - Cards
- ADDED: New layout for Categories section - Preset Title inner (shaped)
- ADDED: New layout for Slideshow - Preset 11 Boxed (Sweets ex.)
- ADDED: On-scroll animation effect
- ADDED: Visual progress for the back-to-top button
- ADDED: Boxed mode for the sticky header
- IMPROVED: 'From' price in the product
- IMPROVED: Mobile view of the navigation layer
- IMPROVED: Wishlist delete action
- IMPROVED: Product page optimization for Safari browser
- IMPROVED: Customer account page templates
- IMPROVED: Ticker gallery captions
- FIXED: Header style 5 mobile search
- FIXED: Slider pagination when section has a bottom separator
- ADDED: New skin Games Electronics
- ADDED: new categories section Categories / preset Title under (circle, 8 in row)
- ADDED: new slideshow section Slideshow / preset 10 Modern (Games ex.)
- ADDED: new ticker section Ticker - Large
- ADDED: new ticker section Ticker - Large + Countdown
- ADDED: new banners section Slideshow / preset 10 Modern (Games ex.)
- ADDED: Revers option for section Products grid - Mini horizontal with banner
- ADDED: New style for Collapsible FAQ
- ADDED: New Faq preset section Faq / preset 6 Tabbed list - Collapsible Style 2
- ADDED: News section Gallery - Ticker
- ADDED: News options for default Gallery section Ticker mode
- ADDED: new banners section Banners / preset 15 (Cosmetics ex. mosaic 2+3+2)
- ADDED: Video support in all banner sections
- ADDED: New section Features list - Circle
- ADDED: "Before -> After" support for all image + text sections
- ADDED: Option to hide empty categories in navigation
- ADDED: All sections custom background image support
- ADDED: Localization for date in blog
- IMPROVED: Product price 'from' in products with diff prices
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