An awesome hierarchical, multi-level drilldown menu for taxonomies (categories, regions etc.). To use it modify search form taxonomy dropdown and set drilldown in search forms editor. Screenshot →
Slim mobile header (Appearance → Header → Slim Mobile Menu) Screenshot →
FAQ section for listings (Listeo Core → Submit Listing → Submit form modules → FAQ Section Screenshot →
“My Other Listings” section on single listing page where owner can select specific listings to be displayed
new support for listing pages (helps search engines better understand listing content like address, reviews, business type etc.). Works by default, doesn’t need to be enabled.
Children and animals pricing Screenshot → – an additional fields with custom price – How to add this feature after update?
hCaptcha support (alternative to reCaptcha)
Sticky sidebar on single listing page. Works by default, doesn’t need to be enabled.
Disabled-by-default sections in the ‘Add Listing’ form are now hidden until the user enables them with the toggle switch. They no longer take up unnecessary space Screenshot →
30+ minor and major bug fixes, detailed list will be updated soon
There will be another update within week or two with more features: flag/report listing, one time email verification code, recurring events etc.
no change log for this version on link
- new
An awesome Multi-level depth (drilldown) menu for taxonomies (categories, regions etc.). To use it modify search form taxonomy dropdown and set drilldown in search forms editor. Screenshot →- new
Slim mobile header (Appearance → Header → Slim Mobile Menu) Screenshot →- new
FAQ section for listings (Listeo Core → Submit Listing → Submit form modules → FAQ Section Screenshot →- new
“My Other Listings” section on single listing page where owner can select specific listings to be displayed- new support for listing pages (helps search engines better understand listing content like address, reviews, business type etc.). Works by default, doesn’t need to be enabled.- new
Children and animals pricing Screenshot → – an additional fields with custom price – How to add this feature after update?- new
hCaptcha support (alternative to reCaptcha)- new
Sticky sidebar on single listing page. Works by default, doesn’t need to be enabled.- fix
Disabled-by-default sections in the ‘Add Listing’ form are now hidden until the user enables them with the toggle switch. They no longer take up unnecessary space Screenshot →- fix
30+ minor and major bug fixes, detailed list will be updated soon
Search by map dragging – search results load dynamically as the map moves. To enable this option, go to Listeo Core → Map Options → Enable Map Bounds Search.
Fix for _load_textdomain_just_in_time issue caused by latest WordPress changes
Fix for bug with price calculation if counted by hours on rental listing type
no change log for this version on link
no change log for this version on link
Several fixes for new Ad Management feature
Icon pack changed to FontAwesome 6, Twitter buttons replaced with X
Option to select search form for Templates “Listing With Map – Split Page” and “Listings With Map”, you’ll find it in Page Options if page uses one of those templates [link]
no change log for this version on link
- fix
Another even better fix for “upcoming events” sorting- fix
Fix for missing filename on upload type input in My profile and Add Listing form- fix
Fix for time slot picker showing past time slots (it was ignoring timezone setting before)- fix
Fix for upcoming booking notification- fix
Fix for paid Claim listing with Subscription package type- fix
Fix for expiring listing notification for listings that are not published- fix
Fix for wrong rating filter- new
If you allow user to change role, it will use Vendor role instead of Owner if Dokan is installed- new
Listeo Owner Widget has now option to be used in Classified Listing- fix
Fix for duplicated description on listing taxonomy archive- fix
Fix for region term not showing on single listing view- new
Filter to change the top button “Add Listing” url, example:
PHP:add_filter('listeo_submit_page', 'listeo_submit_page_change'); function listeo_submit_page_change($submit_page) { $submit_page = 99; // where 99 is the page id you want to use return $submit_page; }
- fix
Fix for a shortcode function name that could cause a crash on hosting- fix
Fix for “grid gallery” popup if it has only one image added- fix
Small CSS updates
Fix for “upcoming events” sorting (events closer to todays date will be first)
New option in Appearance -> Customize -> Listing List Option to turn on/off sorting options