List Manager

List Manager 5.5.6

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessList Manager 5.5.6 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 18.4 MB File size. From List Manager have 1 Description Attachments, 3 discussion, 3 Updates, 172 Views.
listmanager (1).png
Manage database tables from the frontend
Responsive design (Bootstrap)
Define your own input user form (Types, size, order, validations,autofitler, default values).
Show a complete manager for you & your users at the front end.
Add/Edit/Delete records in a very simple way.
Search/Order and pagination utilities.
Export records to PDF, RTF and Excel format.
Parameter configuration to show 'read only' lists.
Adding own css provided.
Import/export CSV data &record management from backend.
User restricted access to own records.
Access control list to configure rights for joomla user groups.
Configure different views for same list.
Search and filter module.
Default order in Lists and Views by more than one field.
'Readmore' feature for text fields.
Key fields to avoid duplicate records.
Option to show detail on click.
Export (backup) /import full list
Extention type
File size
18.4 MB
First release
Last update
Ratings 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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Latest updates

  1. 5.5.6 - changelog
    not known
  2. 5.4.3 - changelog
    not known
  3. 5.2.1 - changelog
    Joomla 5 support

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