LatePoint - Appointment Booking & Reservation plugin for WP

LatePoint - Appointment Booking & Reservation plugin for WP 5.1.7

No permission to download
Ability to change invoice logo
Fixes for Google Sign in button on customer dashboard
Fix for some bookings with invalid dates causing issues on booking table
Hide pro feature link when licenses is activated
Fix for bundle preselected field on block elements
Translation fixes
Customer name not visible on payments table
Incorrect HTML output on booking form header and content
Sequential invoices
Added manage booking urls to webhook
Variable fixes on calendar tiles

full change log for this version on link
Create and send invoices
Create payment requests
Customers can make payments for already booked appointments from their customer dashboard or using pay links
You can now preselect bundles on booking button and resources shortcodes and elements
New gorgeous confirmation step
New multi-select custom field
Automatically search calendar for the next available date and scroll to it
Accessibility improvements: bookings flow can now be completed using just a keyboard
Fixed issue with custom fields on customer form
Fixed customer "Total appointments" column in CSV export
Fix customer delete order issue
Fix responsive side panel buttons/order edit form


Native Elementor elements
Native Gutenberg/Block editor elements


Fixes issue preventing admins from deleting transactions
Security improvements


PRO Addon: New UI for editing and viewing coupons


PRO Addon: Fixes coupon related issues
Fixed error on plugin upgrade from 4 to 5
Fixed formatting of order, transaction and booking amounts on webhooks and other variables
Fix for the price column on bookings table

full change log for this version on link