Laravel Nova

Nulled Laravel Nova 5.2.5 Nulled

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  • Fixed an issue with PendingTranslations.
  • Added option to Tag to preload all available tags.
  • Added ability to "peek" at relations inside the preview modal.
  • Added some missing translations.
  • Added ability for Trix fields to be dependent.
  • Added ability to customize the logic for determining a menu item's current active state.
  • Added ability to unlock BelongsTo and MorphTo fields when editing resources.
  • Added ability to replicate Markdown and Trix field content when not using attachments.
  • MorphTo relation modals now support sizing options.
  • Nova will now check for "view" authorization when visiting Detail pages.
  • Nova will now validate field attachments by default and display validation.
  • Improved the display of preview modal titles.
  • Fixed a visual issue with Date fields.
  • Fixed an issue where field attachments didn't emit proper events.
  • Fixed an issue with table sorting not following the viaRelation query string.
  • Fixed an issue with Date fields where they would become unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue with URL fields not being copyable.
  • Fixed an issue where attachments were not being properly discarded.
  • Fixed a visual issue with table metrics when using long titles.
  • Fixed an issue with custom route bindings conflicting with Nova.
  • Nova now supports laravel/scout version 10.
  • Fixed various visual issues.
  • Fixed an issue where filterable fields within stacks weren't shown in Lens filters.
  • Fixed an issue with missing getStoragepath when using the Markdown field.
  • Fixed an issue where select components converted string values of options to a big integer value.
  • Fixed an issue where Lens were resolving values twice.
  • Fixed an issue where toast messages couldn't be seen inside Auth views.
  • Added ability for fields within a Stack field to be filterable.
  • Fixed an issue causing Trix field content to be duplicated on the update view.
  • Fixed a zero-division issue with Progress metrics.
  • Fixed an issue where search on a BelongsToMany relationship was broken when using Laravel Scout.
  • Fixed an issue where Boolean field values were always false when using dependent fields.
  • Fixed a visual issue with spacing on checkboxes with labels.
  • Fixed an issue with peekable BelongsTo when used within a HasManyThrough relationship.
  • Fixed an issue with Markdown field.
  • Nova will now scroll to the top when using Create and Add Another buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where MultiSelect fields were incorrectly showing a placeholder.
  • Added Laravel 10 support.
  • Redesigned the "select all dropdown" to show the current selection count and adds easy selection clearing.
  • Added ability to use merge, mergeWhen, and mergeUnless on panels.
  • Fixed a visual issue with margins on Heading fields.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Line::extraClasses method on the detail view.
  • Fixed several issues with the Markdown field.
  • Fixed an issue where the preview click action didn't check whether the resource was authorized to be viewed.
  • Fixed an issue with using the incorrect query when running actions on a single resource.
  • Fixed an issue where a user couldn't navigate away from an invalid page.
  • Lenses now support searching.
  • Collapsable relationships no longer make API requests before they're revealed when collapsed by default.
  • Added ability to hold Command or Ctrl while clicking global search results to open them in a new tab.
  • Added Ctrl to the recognized modifier keys for other shortcuts.
  • Fixed an issue with click actions on many to many relationships.
  • Fixed an issue with Status fields not using the correct field value.
  • Fixed an issue with validating unfillable fields.
  • Fixed an issue with nested relationships when using HasOne or HasOneThrough fields.
  • Fixed an issue with collapsable cards localStorage state.
  • Fixed an issue where Gravatar fields using the attribute "email" would not allow a Text field with the same attribute to be replicable.
  • Added ability to preview SVG when using File fields.
  • Added some missing language strings for File fields.
  • Nova will now prioritize the thumbnail preview vs the preview url on index views.
  • Updated the name of Turkey to the new official name "Türkiye".
  • Fixed an issue where MorphTo fields were not correctly initializing their types.
  • Fixed an issue where eloquent filters were preloading values incorrectly.
  • Fixed a regression with PartitionResult.
  • Fixed an issue with Status fields when using displayUsing.
  • Fixed an issue where Nova's user resolver was not being passed in some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where storeOriginalName was not working with inline relationships.
  • Fixed a visual issue with excerpt line breaking.
  • Added support for ulid as an identifier when using action events.
  • Added improvements for Nova's User stub files.
  • Updated Trix field to use Laravel's built-in model pruning.
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Reactions: rslrnt
  • Added shortcuts for "Select All" (ctrl+a/command+a) and "Select All Matching" (ctrl+shift+a/command+shift+a).
  • Fixed an issue where the Tag field always removed the first tag.
  • Fixed an issue where copyable was not working on Email index fields.
  • Fixed an issue where BelongsTo fields weren't broadcasting their changes.
  • Fixed an issue where Select filters were not using the searchable option.