LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application

Nulled LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application 15.1.0 Nulled

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Splitting of the "Single (Page & Form)" settings group to "Listing Forms Options" and "Listing Details Page Options".
Renaming of the "List & Search" to "Listings List Options".
Add a global "Type of display" option for categories in the group of settings "Listing Forms Options".
Resend support added (as new mail sending driver).
Backed enumerations implemented for the Continents, Genders, Listing Types, User Types entities, and removal of their DB tables.
Append "excerpt" column for listings collections from the API.
Listings list grid template improved.
Pure JS autocomplete implemented (Replaces the version which uses jQuery).
Some drivers and web services validation (like: Mail, SMS, ...) options improved.
The pricing page will no longer force to be shown during the listing creation process when the logged in user has a valid subscription.
Delivery the right error message, when action cannot be done under impersonation.
Properly apply the "Currency Exchange" and the "Domain Mapping" plugins middlewares when the plugins are installed.
Minor Improvements.
Minor Bugs fixed.
From the v15.0.0, the script requires PHP 8.2 or higher (also for PHP-cli for the cron-job).
The cURL PHP extension version 7.34.0 or higher is also required.
Make sure you have upgraded your installed plugins (by replacing the plugins' files also).
Laravel 11.x support added.
MailerSend support added (as new mail sending driver).
Admin panel: Option to manage items per page & limit added. Available in the Admin panel → Settings → General → Pagination.
Admin panel: Option to manage the social media links in the footer added.
Admin panel: Option to manage the social media share icons added (Support for more social media added).
Dark mode theme added (Can be set in users area when admin user enables the option).
Allow to set a logo for light mode and another for dark mode. The main logo will be used as fallback for both modes.
Admin panel: Options to manage the admin panel charts entries limits added (to manage memory usage).
Upgrades: All SQL files converted in Laravel migrations.
Laravel-Mix updated.
Bootstrap framework updated.
Font Awesome Free updated from v5.15.4 to v6.5.2
Bootstrap Icons updated from v1.9.1 to v1.11.3
Social media icons improved (Including new X (Twitter) icon).
Exceptions handler improved (and removal of all the dd() function calls in production).
The "Detect Ads Blocker" plugin assets (css & js) files links fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Bugfix: Package & package type selection (when the APP_HTTP_CLIENT= variable in the /.env is not curl).
Bugfix: 404 error during listing creation (when the APP_HTTP_CLIENT= variable in the /.env is not curl).
Localization & Geo location settings improved.
Minor bugs fixed.
Minor improvements.
Settings to hide the breadcrumb elements (category, location, ...) of each listing on the listings list pages.
Adding of the possibility to select a locale that is available (installed) on the server during language creation or modification.
This update solves persistent issues with the Turkish language for example, that is set to tr_TR by default.
A locale with codeset can be selected instead, like: tr_TR.UTF-8, tr_TR.utf8, ... if they are installed on the server.
Re-implementation of the app's API consumption via local requests (in addition of cURL usage).
Set the local requests as the app's API default type of consumption.
This can be changed by adding the line APP_HTTP_CLIENT=curl in the /.env file to make external requests instead.
Minor bugs fixed.
Minor improvements.
Bugfix: IP addresses saving from client instead of from API.
Bugfix: Google social login link fixed.
Bugfix: Payment gateways logos display in footer fixed.
Bugfix: Loading... effect in the Admin panel lists fixed.
Minor bugs fixed.
Minor improvements.
Option to limit the number of listings per user.
Subscription feature for users accounts added.
Multiple payments (for promotion or subscription) support for a payable (listing or account).
Packages now expire automatically following a start and end date.
User's photo updating improved. And a browse button added in addition to the drag'n'drop zone.
Bugfix: Unwanted AJAX request on all pages removed.
Twice requests are no longer sent for each page, that solve an historic performance issue.
Many code improvements.
Minor bugs fixed.
Composer update.
Some JavaScript libraries updated.
  • From the v13.0.0, the script requires PHP 8.1 or higher (also for PHP-cli for the cron-job).
  • For those who have add new files or custom codes or have make changes in the app/Http/Controllers/ folder,
    this update contains some breaking changes. So we strongly recommend to save your works before starting this upgrade.
  • Make sure you have upgraded your installed plugins (by replacing the plugins' files also).
  • Laravel 10.x support added.
  • New option added, to allow admin to decide how premium listings will be displayed in search results.
  • New option to make the listings price field mandatory added.
  • New directory architecture for all the web controllers (install, admin, and public).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
Make sure you have upgraded your installed plugins (by replacing the plugins' files also).
Minor bugs fixed.
Minor improvements.
  • Make sure you have upgraded your installed plugins (by replacing the plugins' files also).
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.