Jumbo - React Admin Template with Material-UI

Jumbo - React Admin Template with Material-UI 7.4.1

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UPDATED - Folder structure of inside src directory
UPDATED - React upgraded to the latest stable version (19.x)
UPDATED - Vite updated to the latest version (6.x) for improved performance and compatibility
UPDATED - Upgraded all dependencies to their latest versions for enhanced security, bug fixes, and features
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Reactions: rerexek472
ADDED - JavaScript version for both NextJS and Vite (TypeScript already available)
ADDED - Chat App
ADDED - Contacts App
ADDED - Mail App
ADDED - Social Feeds Page
ADDED - Social Profile Page
UPDATE - JumboLayout component to support inner/content layouts.
ADDED - Dark Theme Feature
ADDED - Auth Provider (easy to integrate with any type of service)
ADDED - Restricted Routes Feature (Authorized Routes)
ADDED - Dynamic Routes Building (Now, its easy to do user role based routing)
FIXED - Sidebar responsiveness issue
FIXED - Layout Switch Issue
FIXED - Code Cleanup