JoomIdentity 1.3.0

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Joomla Compatibility
  1. 3.x
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verify users identity by submittes files or social accounts
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business JoomIdentity 1.3.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 6.4 MB File size. From JoomIdentity have 24 Views.

JoomIdentity is a Joomla component that allows website owners to verify their users identity by submitted files (pdf, images, documents..) or social accounts of registered users, files are automatically encrypted and only visible by the administrators.

Main Features:
  • Allow users to upload documents, images ... which admin has to verify and review
  • All uploaded files will be encrypted for high security level
  • Ability to protect files by password when user try to download his files
  • Notification automatically displayed when a user has been on insecure page (HTTP)
  • Ability to remove files after a certain days automatically
  • Auto redirect to secure page (HTTPS)
  • Customizable storage folder of encrypted files
  • Show or hide verification status in user profile
  • Ability to verify by social accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google)
  • Display or show additional informations in user profile
  • Change allowed maximum size of file to upload
  • Customize allowed file extensions
  • Joomla auto update support

Users Expiration Control Features
  • Ability to add user to an extra Joomla group on verification
  • Ability to set user expiration date on verification
  • User will be automatically deleted from extra group on date expiration (by cron job)
  • Allow/disallow reviewed user to deleted files
Extention type
File size
6.4 MB
First release
Last update
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