- many improvements to HTML Parser Processor
- wrong parameter label mime type check [Get Images Processor]
- Ability to use local format and enable/disable translation [Format date processor]
- Ability to force joomla timezone on date input [Format date processor]
- Nested tags support [Content Adapter]
- Fix HTML feature code redone from scratch cuz old one has issues [Cut Introtext Procesor]
- don't include tags parents on article saving [Content Adapter]
- SpinnerText Processor now is an AI agent that use OpenAI API and spin text easily.
- Now "Save Image" Processor support HTML content in input and extract first image automatically [Save Image Processor]
- Format date processor [New Processor]
- save documents processor with google document viewer support [New Processor]
- support Joomla custom fields (supported fields type: Text, Text Area, Url, Media, Calendar, Editor) [Content Adapter]
- support of CSS Selector [Links Finder Engine]
- ability to generate title from link if not found [Links Finder Engine]
- ability to duplicate if article already exist [Content Adapter]
- GoogleNews Engine now use GNews API (all pipes using this engine should be rebuilt (because old method no more working)
- always transform alias to correct format [Content Adapter]
- New debugging method added to SpinnerText Processor
- New debugging method added to GoogleNews Engine
- support of alt text in media custom field [Content Engine]
- subform type field now dsiplayed in full width [Engine Params]
- key with restriction was not working [Youtube Engine]
- return empty date if input date empty [Format Date Processor]
- format date wrong date entry [Format date processor]
- make sure image url is link [Save image processor]
- credit and copyright doesn't display [Image enclosure] [Processor]
- check duplicate was not working correctly [Content Adapter]
- some php warnings when params is null [Adapter]
- remove p tag [Static value Processor]
- new option to fix broken html structure when cutting introtext [Cut Introtext Processor]
- notify new version removed not needed anymore
- debug code removed not needed [Image Processor]
- tables folder missed for saving content [Flexi content plugin]
- tables folder missed for saving content [Flexi content plugin]
- support file_get_contents [RSS Reader Engine]
- Support of Finding API [Ebay Engine]
- extract more product info [Ebay Engine]
- don't allow arrays in image caption and make sure value is string [Content Adapter]
- new way to display first item in preview
- Ebay Engine completely rewritten to use Finding API [Ebay Engine]
- some issues in Links engine
- use basedir instead of fileset cuz sometimes generate broken archives [Build]
- make sure to remove joomla folder in layouts directory
- store post sometimes fail [Easyblog Adapter Plugin]
- some old code removed [EasyBlog Adapter Plugin]
- some php warnings [EasyBlog Adapter Plugin]
- CLI was not working correctly
- combine processor was not working properly [Combine]
full change log link
Latest new features and improvements in JoomGrabber Joomla extension - Content grabber - Content scraperwww.joomboost.com
- SimplePie library updated to last version
- now we use Composer for libraries loading
- no need to decode html entity [RSSFeed Engine]
- Some php warnings [Content Adapter]
- some php warnings [RSSFeed Engine]
- Some php warnings [EasyBlog Adapter]
- Wrong group attribute value and language file name in xml [EasyBlog Adapter]