* Fixed: apply correct styles in the Advanced Map widget
* Fixed: prevents duplicate content rendering in the Dropbar widget
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7958](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7958)
* Added: option `Use Ajax Loading for Template` in the Dropbar widget
* Added: SVG icons for control buttons in the Video Player widget
* Update: Google Maps AdvancedMarkerElement implementation
* Update: Instagram Gallery widget
* Fixed: centered line in the Vertical Timeline widget
* Fixed: animate cards for mobile device in the Vertical Timeline widget
* Fixed: parallax section with Elements caching active
* Fixed: minor issue
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7931](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7931)
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7936](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7936)
* Fixed: Audio Player widget formatting in Elementor tabs
* Fixed: Instagram post link
* Fixed: escaping attribute values
* Fixed: compatibility Audio Player widget with Map Listing
* Fixed: minor issue
* Fixed: [compatibility with JetEngine Query Gateway](https://github.com/Crocoblock/issues-tracker/issues/13589)
* Added: enqueue parallax stylesheets
* Fixed: Advanced Carousel navigation
* Fixed: Video Player with fullwidth container
* Update: migration from deprecated schemes to the new globals & compatibility with Elementor 3.26
* Update: Instagram API
* Delete: Waypoints JS
* Update: styles enqueue & compatibility with Elementor 3.24
* Added: widget output caching
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7547](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7547)
* Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#6391](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6391)
* Added: сompatibility with Elementor 3.24
* Added: SVG icons for control buttons in the Audio widget
* Added: option `YouTube Shorts` in the Video Player widget
* Added: option `GDPR` for vimeo in the Video Player widget
* Fixed: escaping attribute values in the Slider widget
* Fixed: compatibility with deprecated methods
* Fixed: minor issues
* Update: Chart js
* Added: `Lazy Load Images` option in the Testimonials widget
* Added: compatibility slick carousel with Listing Grid widget
* Added: сompatibility with Elementor 3.24
* Fixed: navigation icon in the Slider widget
* Fixed: minor issues
* Update: JetDashboard Module to v2.2.0
* Fixed: fade animation effect for mobile Safari in the Animated Box widget
* Fixed: active dots during scroll up in the Scroll Navigation widget
* Fixed: arrow icon on Safari in the Slider widget
* Fixed: WPML compatibility for repeater widgets
* Fixed: minor issues