Saved content would not show changes if the editor did not have active tabs, ie: Editor, Code, Preview
Editor langauges were not loaded in the front-end.
Editor would not load if the Compress Javascript or Compress CSS options were enabled.
PRO Code Editor would display an error and not load when switching to the Code tab.
The Word Count will now show a count of any selected words in an article, or all words if no selection is made.
The Editor Toggle options are now available in JCE Pro only.
The Editor Toggle option is now disabled by default.
Update cleanup and validation of content in the Code Tab in JCE Core on save or when switching tabs.
Update Codemirror library in the Code Editor.
PRO Setting a video property, eg: Loop, Autoplay, Controls etc. to a new or updated video would not be applied correctly and would show the default value when editing the video.
PRO Remove non-breaking space from empty content in the Code Editor and reset cursor
PRO Attempting to embed a Spotify link by pasting in the URL would produce an error and invalid embed.
Applying a style to a text selection when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak would apply the style to all content.
Applying a list to a selection when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak would apply the list to all the editor content.
Remove non-breaking space from empty content in editor when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak and reset cursor.
The Font Family Select parameter would show all font items unchecked by default. Adding a new custom font and saving would therefore remove all default fonts.
An empty editor would produce a single non-breaking space when saving if Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak
The Folder list was not being updated when creating, deleting or renaming folders in the File Browser.
PRO Template Manager lists are now loaded when the Template Managet list menu is first opened.
When applying a style from the Styles list to an inline element (link, strong etc.) that is at the beginning of a paragraph, the style would be applied to the parent element, eg: paragraph
Pressing Enter at the end of a link at the end of a line would create a new paragraph without a cursor.
Attempting a new install of JCE Pro in Joomla 4.1 would result in an error and failed install.
Editor tabs would not display in the front-end if the template is not using Bootstrap.
PRO A "Loading..." message will now be shown in the list dropdown while Template Manager list items are loaded.
PRO Pressing backspace or delete in an empty column (that contains a single paragraph) would delete the column.
PRO The Template Manager was not processing File Directory Path values that contained variables correctly, resulting in an error when attempting to load the editor.
PRO Removing all paragraphs in a column using Backspace or Delete and then pressing Enter would clone the column div.
PRO A dialog prompt will now be presented to provide Values for variables in Template Manager content not already defined in the Template Manager parameters. This allows a user to input values for content as required, eg: a video id etc.
Styles can now be applied to a selection of block elements, eg: multiple selected paragraphs
PRO Resize Presets and Crop Presets parameters now use a repeatable list for editing and setting new presets.
PRO Removed use of the <div class="mceTmpl"></div> container for Template Manager templates.
PRO Replaced the Replacement Values textarea in Template Manager parameters with a repeatable key/value field.
PRO Selecting an existing caption element instead of the image, and updating via the Caption dialog, would apply the styles incorrectly.
PRO Applying a new caption to a center aligned image would remove the alignment.
PRO Creating new columns would add a non-breaking space to the empty paragraph.
PRO Youtube or Vimeo iframes would be removed after pasting the URL into the editor when Container Element & Enter Key was set to None : Linebreak.
PRO Saving a Template Manager file in the Text Editor would produce an error.
PRO Drag & Drop upload of videos would produce an error in PHP 8+
PRO Some Boostrap classes applied to columns would be removed on saving or toggling the editor.
PRO The Template Manager template list would not load files from a custom File Directory Path set in the Template Manager parameters.
PRO Some custom classes applied to columns would be removed on saving or toggling the editor.
PRO Removing a set of pre-defined Resize values in the Upload dialog would still resize the image using those values.
PRO Uploading using an inline method - drag & drop, media field - would not thumbnail or watermark images if the options were set.
Improved processing of RegularLabs Sourcerer shortcode.
Pressing Cancel or Insert in a Media Field File Browser window would not close the dialog in Helix Ultimate templates.
URLs pasted into the editor would be double encoded when converting them to links.
Importing a profile that contained HTML tags in the params tag value would skip import of the params value.
Copying a profile would not copy the profiles parameters.
Fixed link insert using the Quick Link dropdown.
Added a check to prevent the editor from being loaded multiple times on the same page by an extension.
The Styles list would not allow selection of multiple items, instead closing after each selection.
Setting italic text and then saving in SP Page Builder would not save the change.
Uploading using the upload button or drag & drop in a media field would not work in some instances.
Setting block element formats (H1, H2, P etc.) using the Styles list would not remove the tag of the previous element in the Styles list dropdown.
The Editor Class set in the Editor Global Configuration would be incorrectly displayed in the Styles list if it was included in the template stylesheet.
Converted image fields (Intro Image, Full Image etc.) would not open correctly in some templates.
Improved some editor behaviour when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None : Linebreak.
Pressing enter or typing at the end of link text would continue the link. It was also not possible to move the cursor outside of a link if the link is the last element on a line. Clicking at the end of the link or pressing the Right Arrow key at the end of the link will now move the cursor outside of the link.
The update routine on installing JCE would sometimes not update the database to correct checked_out and checked_out_time errors.
It was not possible to select parent elements in a nested table structure using the Path
Applying or removing multiple styles one after the other using the Styles list would not work as expected.
PRO Classes can now be applied to Columns in the columns dialog using the multiple select Classes list.
Figure elements can now be added directly to media preview items.
Figure elements can now be styled using the Captions tools.
An mce-visualaid class is toggled on the editor body element when the Visual Aid button is clicked.
Media embed code pasted into the Code view will now use some default attributes - width, height etc. - when switching to the Editor tab if none are specified.
JCE now requires PHP 7.4 or later.
PRO Pressing ESC while in the Create Thumbnail dialog or Delete Thumbnail prompt would close the dialog as intended but also execute the action.
PRO Some system markup would not be processed and removed when switching to the Code tab if Verify HTML is disabled.
PRO Inserting a video with the Media Manager would do nothing if the Media Support option is disabled in Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout.
PRO The Remove Exif process would fail on some systems running PHP GD2
Editing a link with a class attribute value would display the attribute name and value as an additional custom attribute in the Advanced tab.
Adding a new class to a link in the Classes field would not update the link class attribute.
Tables created with the Table Grid tool or without a Width value in the Table dialog will now be disaplayed in the editor with a 100% width.
Removing some values in Style Select Custom Styles would have no effect when the profile was saved.
Unexpected reformatting of HTML when removing a class from an element if the parent element contains the same class.
Link attribute parameters weren't being applied to pasted links or links created with the "quick link" dropdown.
Pressing ALT + UP in a nested block element would create an extra paragraph above it as well as before the parent container.
Updating a link on an inline element, eg: <strong> would result in duplicate link text.
JOOMLA 4 Update onContentSave and onBeforeContentSave event triggers to include additional $data variable
JOOMLA 4 Updated core template stylesheet path detection due to changes in the template asset path in Joomla 4.1
PRO Editing an existing Caption would not show any padding values added to the caption container.
PRO Thumbnail images in the same folder as the associated image were not being detected.
If the File Browser is not enabled for any profile, the JCE Media Field and any converted Media Fields will fallback to use the Joomla Media Manager.
Updated PHP compatability message on install, warning of PHP 7.4 requirement for future updates.
Custom Formats with an invalid Styles value would cause the Style to be pre-selected and applied incorrectly.
Pasting content containing inline styles in the style attribute of a tag would remove the style attribute.
Some Custom Formats could not be applied from the Styles list on a text selection when the Container Element & Enter Key option was set to Linebreak:None
An extra space was being added after an anchor element on each save or toggle when the anchor was in the same parent container as a rollover image
Updated the Custom Styles widget in the Style Select parameters to fix some layout issues.
A syntax error in a PHP function would cause an error in PHP 7.2