JCE Pro 2.9.75

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13 June 2024


  • PRO Joomla Media Fields were not being converted to JCE Media Fields despite the option being enabled.


12 June 2024


  • Boolean attributes will now be set last in the attributes order of an element. This change is specifically to address an issue with the Joomla Text Filter, which removes boolean attributes (e.g., controls, autoplay, etc.) if they are placed between other attributes with defined values.
  • The Media Path value set for a new JCE Media Field would not be applied.
  • When creating any new Field, JCE Media Field parameter options would be shown below the the parameters of the chosen field type.
  • The editor would fail to save changes to content if it was initialised multiple times on a single page, eg: in JoomLMS. This has been fixed by preventing multiple initialisation instances from occuring through a refactor of the Editor Initialisation routine.
  • Restrict access (New Folder, Upload) to root folder if folder access is restricted using Directory Filters and the Allow Root is enabled.
  • It was not possible to open the Image Manager dialog when the cursor was inside a column.
  • Editor instances created dynamically, eg: Hikashop Variants, would not be initialised in some cases.


30 May 2024


  • Added onWfFileSystemBeforeGetPathVariables event to allow for manipulation of File Directory Path variable source values, eg: $usertype in a system plugin.


  • PRO Pro Plugins would not load or function correctly if the Compress CSS and/or Compress Javascript options were enabled.
  • PRO JCE Plugins (ChatGPT, FontAwesome etc.) would not update from the Joomla Updater if the Subscription Key was not set in the JCE Options page (Joomla 3.x legacy method)
  • PRO Resize parameters would show duplicates after making changes in JCE Pro 2.9.70 to 2.9.72
  • PRO Code Editor would use RTL mode if enabled in the editor.
  • PRO Various parameter options that used a File Browser would not work correctly.
  • PRO Some repeatable parameters would not update or set parameter values correctly.
  • PRO The Code Editor display was truncated when in Fullscreen mode.
  • PRO The Filesystem parameters form was being processed multiple times resulting in repeated form fields.
  • JCE Media Field items that included a Caption would not be displayed.


22 May 2024


  • PRO Match Case and Whole Word options added to the Code Editor search options, alongside some search updates.
  • PRO The Iframes and Media Manager dialogs now have an option to set the Ssandbox attribute value in the Advanced tab (Iframes) or Media Options tab (Media Manager).
  • Added a refresh of the Joomla autoload_psr4.php file to the extension post install routine to fix namespace registration issues on some sites.
  • Sandbox options have been added to the Media Support parameters with an option to not set the sandbox attribute on iframes, and the option to provide a list of urls that will be excluded from the sandbox attribute. By default local iframe urls and those from trusted media providers (Youtube, Vimeo etc.) will not have the sandbox attribute added.


  • PRO Fixed PNG transparency when processing images with PHP GD2
  • PRO Video and Audio elements would be removed where the primary src value was in a <source> tag.
  • PRO Embedding documents with the File Manager would fail if the Allow Object Elements or Allow Iframes options were disabled in the Media Support parameters. Where this is the case, only local documents will be allowed by default.
  • PRO Allow for pdf files to embedded using the <object> tag as in 2.9.63.
  • PRO Multiple Custom Styles in Style Select parameters would display as repeated versions of the first Custom Style in Joomla 5
  • PRO Code Editor - Line Numbers display would sometimes be truncated.
  • PRO Code Editor - tab key would not tab editor content.
  • PRO Code Editor - Added back Font Size option to Code Editor Parameters
  • PRO Code Editor - Codemirror Dark theme would not be applied if selected in parameters.
  • PRO Code Editor - Renamed Codemirror and Codemirror Dark theme options to Default and Default Dark.
  • PRO Code Editor - Added some new themes from ThemeMirror
  • PRO Image Manager Extended - Default Values set in profile parameters would not be applied.
  • The Media Field Description value was double-encoded resulting in UTF-8 characters displaying incorrectly.
  • Unchecking the Same for All checkbox in the Styles dialog would not enable the Measurement (pixels, % etc.) options.


09 May 2024


  • PRO
    Joomla Media Fields (Intro Image etc.) would not display if no other JCE Media Fields were rendered on the page.
  • PRO The Caption dialog would show a PHP error when opened.


08 May 2024


  • PRO A new Custom Query option is available in the Editor Profiles -> Setup tab to assign or restrict a profile based on $_REQUEST variables passed in the active component, eg: view=article or id=4.
  • Added a new CleanUp Mode parameter to the Clipboard plugin that simplifies configuration of the Paste tool.
  • Added a Classes option to the Image Manager Basic Dialog.


  • PRO Moved all Pro files and plugins to the System - JCE Pro plugin.
  • Merged all content.css files from various plugins into the editor theme content.css file.
  • Replaced parameters in Clipboard and Style Select plugins with a simplified set in JCE Core. JCE Pro includes the full original parameter set.Removed support for legacy media types, eg: wmv, rm etc.
  • Media will always be embedded using the conventional method based on the media type. For example using an <object> tag to embed an mp4 will be converted to a <video> tag.
  • The JCE Media Field in JCE Core is now a simplified version with image and link support only. Full support and Joomla Media conversion is available in JCE Pro.
  • The sandbox attribute will be added to all iframes, except those used to display external media from trusted providers, eg: Youtube, Vimeo etc.


  • PRO A Thumbnail Editor parameter option was missing from the File Browser parameters.
  • PRO Columns tools remained disabled when clicking into a Column field that contained a div.
  • Fixed selection and creating links on <span> tags that are used as font icon tags.
  • Boolean attributes - autoplay, loop, mute etc. will now be processed to attributes without values, eg: <video src="/video.mp4" autoplay>
  • Content that contained multiple script tags would render incorrectly in the Preview tab.
  • Added a workaround to fix modal display issues for some items in the Joomla button menu item list due to changes in Joomla 5
  • The MediaBox configuration page would show a PHP error when the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility was unpublished.


  • PRO The Add Columns button is now a split button with additional Add Column Before and Add Column After options.
  • Pasting a table into an existing table will add the new table cells to the existing table. Existing cells will be replaced with the new cells starting from the cell in which the new content is pasted.
  • Added a Definition List option to the Format list to create a Definition List from a selection as an alternative to Definition Term or Definition Description.


  • Increase Paste and Paste As Plain Text dialog sizes.


  • A recent update to some browser Adblocker extensions (Ghostery, UBlock Origin etc.) caused the editor window to be hidden.
  • Chrome and Edge would crash when attempting to open the right-click Context Menu if the Grammarly browser extension or Grammarly Windows application is installed.
  • Aria attributes were removed from media elements, eg: <audio>, <video>
  • Fix processing and display of images when pasting content from Word into the Paste dialog.
  • The File Browser in Media Fields would use the Joomla filesystem if an alternative eg: S3 Object Storage, was set as the default.
  • Applying a DT or DD format to an element (paragraph) selection will now convert the first element into a DT and subsequent selected elements into a DD.
  • PRE elements used by the Code Sample plugin will no longer be displayed as Visual Blocks.



  • Double-clicking on a file item in the File Browser, Image Manager, Media Manager etc. will select and insert the item immediately, without the need to click the Insert button.


  • Updated MobileDetect library
  • Added an "enterkey_" prefix to the existing keep_styles and keep_attributes internal EnterKey options.
  • PRO The Code Editor now uses 4 space characters rather than a single tab for indentation when formatting code on initialization or when using the Format HTML button.


  • JCE Media Field modal style overrides would sometimes affect other modal instances.
  • Disabled the Context Menu in iOS and Android as it was preventing or affecting text selection.
  • Selecting Cut or tapping the Cut button in Android would not remove the seletion after copying it.
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  • Rendering of an editor in a Yootheme Pro text field would fail if JCE Pro was enabled.
  • Some editor-xtd buttons would insert into the wrong editor when a page contained multiple editors.



  • File Browser, Image Manager etc. would not show folders if no Directory Filters were set.



  • Refactored Editors - JCE plugin for better Joomla 5/6 compatability.


  • Some editor-xtd buttons below a custom editor field that used a modal window eg: Media, would not open.
  • IFrame elements can now have no src attribute set when creating them in the Code tab to facilitate click-to-play actions.
  • Added a "fix" for PageBuilder CK so that editor-xtd options in the Joomla button are updated when a dynamic editor is created by PageBuilder CK.
  • When setting a Joomla Filesystem option for a an individual plugin the filesystem was still using the Allow Root Access option for the global Joomla filesystem.
  • PRO Added a "loading" indicator when Applying a transform (Resize, Crop) in the Image Editor.
  • PRO Fix upscaling of crop dimensions and position when cropping an image in the Image Editor.Fix Directory Filter processing for multipe filters and filter types.
  • PRO When cropping an image in the Image Editor using manual values or presets, the Width and Height values are now updated correctly.
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