- Added Retina Dark theme Toolbar Theme option in Editor Parameters. This is an assignable non-automatic dark toolbar and modal theme for the editor.
- Fixed some legacy class names in various plugin dialogs (Tables, Colorpicker, File Manager).
- Fixed Toggle Toolbars storing invalid state value which would result in toolbars always showing after first load.
- Fixed deprecation errors in PHP 8.1 with strftime function
- Fixed some variable assignment deprecation errors in the install routine.
- Fix Joomla\CMS\HTML\Helpers\Sidebar PHP error in JCE Control Panel in Joomla 3
- Dash characters were being removed from anchor name / id attribute values when setting an Anchor.
- The editor would fail to load in SP PageBuilder 5.1.6 and earlier
- PHP error in Joomla 3 if another extension loads Joomla\CMS\HTML\Helpers\Sidebar class.
- Styling of editor tabs in Joomla 3
- Loading of the editor would stall if the Yootheme WidgetKit editor-xtd button was enabled in Joomla 3.
- It was not possible to hide the editor-xtd buttons using the buttons="off" attribute in an Editor form field.
- PRO Added Text Editor support for css, scss, less, js and ts files.
- Added "Phase 1" of Dark Mode support to the JCE Admin (excluding the File Browser and Editor layout)
- Removed the middot character from non-breaking space Visual Characters representation to avoid selection confusion and improve backspace delete responsiveness.
- PRO Columns parameters set in Editor Profiles would not be applied.
- PRO Adding a custom value to the Classes list in the Columns dialog would not correctly apply it and reset the filtered list.
- PRO Internal Columns classes were incorrectly added to the Styles list.
- Editor would fail to load if the Joomla core.js script file was loaded after the JCE Editor scripts.
- Installed plugins, eg: ChatGPT would give an Invalid Plugin error when opening or sending requests.
- Creating a list on a multi-line selection would wrap all content in the list when Container & Enter Key was set to None:Linebreak.
- Fixed deprecated "Joomla.editors" script errors in Joomla 5.
- Some editor-xtd buttons eg: Regularlabs ContentTemplater, would not operate correctly when the Joomla button was added to the editor toolbar.
- Fixed a PHP "ListField" error when saving an Editor Profile in Joomla 3.
- Added onWfFileSystemGetPathVariables event to allow for editing or adding to File Directory Path variables.
- Improved validation of plugin requests to prevent potential Local File Inclusion exploits.
- PRO Text Watermarks would not be applied due to an incorrect path to the font file.
- PRO Removed invalid <form> element used in the Code Editor toolbar.
- PRO Image processing would not be applied to uploaded files with mixed ASCII and UTF-8 characters in the file name.
- PRO Resizing, thumbnailing etc. would be skipped when using drag & drop uploading when using the core Image Manager.
- PRO A position of Top Left for a Watermark image would position the watermark incorrectly.
- PRO Documents embedded with the File Manager using the Google Docs Viewer or Office Apps Viewer will now use an iframe.
- Fixed missing target attribute in Media Field link layouts.
- Use <object> tag in Media Field for embedding document files.
- Clean up J3/4/5 compatability with class mapping for Joomla 3
- Changed path to Media Field layouts.
- Fixed display of Link Media Field layouts.
- Fixed detection of Yootheme templates when loading template styles for editor content display.
- JCE Media Field layouts were not installed with the package resulting in missing fields in the front-end display.
- Some system classes would be included in the Styles list
- Youtube URLs edited with the Media Manager would see some query values removed.
- Youtube URLs pasted into the Media Manager URL field would see some query values removed.
- A List item would not be removed when clicking the associated List button if the list item container a paragraph or another block element.
- Fixed some scripts causing Content Security Policy warnings.
- The Styles and Font Awesome menu filter will now allow partial matching of an item name, rather than from the beginning of the name.
- The Styles list will no longer show any Font Awesome styles (requires Font Awesome for JCE 1.1.1)
- Various supporting functions and changes for new FontAwesome and Custom Path Variables plugins.
- The Toggle Toolbars button now remembers the last toggle state for the duration of the browser sesssion.
- Major refactoring to move all asset files (css, image, javascript) to the Joomla media folder
- Allow for external plugins to have a standardized element name without a - character, eg: editor_chatgpt
- Updated all relevant class names to use Joomla namespaced classes.
- JCE Media Field element output is now generated using the Joomla LayoutHelper. This makes it possible to override the output with custom layouts.
- Increased the Link dialog size.
- Add touch support to the editor layout drag & drop.
- Multiple Custom URL values in Media Support parameters would not be displayed after saving.
- Supported Media options in Media Support parameters would revert to being checked after saving if all are unchecked.
- Youtube etc. videos would be removed if Allow IFrames is set to Local Content and Supported Media Only in some configurations.
- Uploading an image in a Media Field using the upload button or drag & drop would not use the Media Field Path value if set.
- Assign to Menu and Exclude from Menu options in MediaBox parameters should now display correctly in Joomla 3.
- Saving a Profile without any toolbar buttons would always return a non-empty toolbar.
- Link text would be duplicated if the initial text selection contained a trailing space.
- Fixed processing of <details> and <summary> elements
- Media elements (audio, video, object) would be removed if the Media Manager was not added to the editor toolbar.
- Media elements with non-local url values would not be removed if the associated media element parameter in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Media Support was set to Local Content Only.
- A custom.css file in Android framework templates is now automatically loaded along with standard template stylesheets for editor content styling.
- A $context variable can now be used in the File Directory Path value to represent the current component option value, eg: com_content
- PRO An option is now available to disable the Template Manager dialog when clicking on the Template Manager button, allowing only the Template List to be activated.
- The editor can now have no toolbars and toolbar buttons alowing only basic content editing.
- Pasting content from Word with links that contain a # character would truncate the link url at the #
- URLs and Email addresses would still be converted to links when pasted into the editor despite the Autolink URL and Autolink Email options being disabled.
- Saving or Closing a Profile would set an invalid checkin state in Joomla 4.
- Opening the Link dialog on an existing link using the Context Menu would show the Text field as Mixed / Element Selection.
- Skip Dimensions check in the File Browser when selecting a non-media item.
- Update some assets and fix related issues.
- JCE Editor no longer needs to be selected as a Component in an Editor Profile when assigning the profile to specific Components.
- Update some legacy Joomla class names.
- PRO Columns now supports Layouts in fifths.
- A custom.css file in Joomshaper Helix framework templates is now automatically loaded along with standard template stylesheets for editor styling.
- PRO Fixed some issues with Columns when Container & Enter Key is None:Linebreak
- Fixed some general issues when Container & Enter Key is None:Linebreak
- Updating the Text value when creating or editing a link on a text selection will now work as expected.
- Prohibit editing of the Text value when creating a link when the selection is a mixed text/element selection.
- Apply styles to a multi-linebreak selection would apply the style to the linebreaks.
- Applying block formatting to a multi-linebreak selection will now split the selection at each linebreak.
- FormField errors when editing a profile in PHP 8.2+
- Media Field preview would show a "This plugin is not supported" message when selecting non-image media.
- Some editor-xtd plugin icons were not showing in the Joomla button menu
- The High Contrast setting now includes a text selection style override.
- Pasting Excel content would fail with an an error.
- Paste and Paste As Plain Text dialogs would not be focused when opened.
- Applying custom styles using the Style Select list which used an element Selector would not be applied correctly.
Show Editor-xtd Buttons option
An option has been added to Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout to disable display of the Joomla editor-xtd buttons at the bottom of the editor. These buttons include core options such as ReadMore, Pagebreak, Image, Article etc. (many of which are already features of JCE Editor) and buttons added by installed extensions to accomplish various editor related tasks for those extensions. If these buttons are not required, setting this option to No will remove them from the layout.
Embedding documents such as pdf files has previously been done with the File Manager using an <iframe> tag. Although this accomplishes the task well, some browsers will trigger a download of the file if support for display of the file type has not been enabled, particularly in Firefox. The File Manager now uses the <object> tag to embed common document files, displaying a browser message if display of the file type is not supported.
Other additions and changes include:
- German language specific single quotes can be added to a text selection with CTRL + SHIFT + '
- A custom.css file in joomlart templates is now automatically loaded along with standard template stylesheets for editor styling.
- Processing of pasted content is now an always on core feature, with the parameters in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Clipboard controlling paste options and editor button selection.