JCE Pro 2.9.83

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  • PRO IFrame Embed code can now be inserted using the dropdown on the IFrame button.


  • PRO The <track> element in <audio> and <video> tags could not be added or edited using the HTML field in the Media Manager dialog.
  • Added a workaround to fix an issue with SP PageBuilder 4 retrieving unprocessed content from the editor.
  • An editor stylesheet asset would produce a 404 error attempting to load a missing font file.
  • Uploading a file when the Allow Root Access filesystem option is enabled would produce an Access to the target directory is restricted error with some configurations.
  • When opening an existing image, file, media with the Image Manager etc. the Folder list would not open and scroll to the correct folder item.
  • Direct upload options were not available in a custom repeatable / sub-form JCE Media Field until the article was saved.
  • JCE Media Field items would not display if the file name contained utf-8 characters.
  • Custom Core Media and JCE Media fields would not be processed correctly in the Fields tab in extensions other than com_content.
  • The Remove Alias option in Link -> Search would convert the url to SEF instead of removing the alias from the non-SEF url.
  • Pasting some formatted html would append a non-breaking space to the content.
  • Media Field would show some images types as invalid when selecting or updating the field
  • Some formatting could not be removed from some selections when Container Element & Enter Key is set to Linebreak:None
  • Dragging and dropping text content inside the editor would add unwanted inline styles to the respositioned text.
  • Dragging and dropping text content inside the editor will now keep any formatting applied to the text.
  • Fontawesome icons are now also loaded with the template stylesheets when using a Helix Ultimate based template.
  • Ordered and Unordered lists would not be correctly processed when pasting content from Word.
  • Icons in the Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters tabs will now show the correct icons based on the Toolbar Theme selected.
  • PHP 8.2 Deprecated message in the JCE Media Field
  • Conversion of custom Media Fields to JCE Media Fields.
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Reactions: lorus
PRO IFrames would be removed if Allow IFrames is Yes if the Media Manager was added to the editor toolbar.
An available user.css file will now also be loaded to style the editor for core templates, eg: cassiopeia
The alt attribute in a Pagebreak <hr> tag would be removed if using the Joomla Pagebreak button to insert it.



  • The Link dialog now has a specific set of File Browser options, including File Directory Path, Permitted File Extensions etc.
  • PRO The IFrames dialog now has a specific set of File Browser options, including File Directory Path, Permitted File Extensions etc.


  • PRO IFrames and Media Manager plugins override Media Support Allow IFrames options.
  • PRO An Upload Quality of Resize Quality value of 100% will now be treated as "Not Set" and the original compression value will be retained when the image is saved.


  • PRO Insert Caption button would remain disabled when selecting an image.
  • Incorrect post processing or readmore <hr> tags could result in unexpected content changes.
  • Iframes would be removed even if enabled if the Media Manager was not included in the editor toolbar.
  • Converted Joomla Media fields (Intro Image, Full Article Image etc.) will now include the #joomlaImage values in the url.
  • Permitted File Extensions set in File Browser Options for Link and IFrames would not be applied.
  • Paste As Plain Text using the dialog would not paste the content into the editor.
  • The right-click Context Menu would not show Table Cell, Row and Column menu options.


  • PRO A Mute option is available in the Media Options tab in the Media Manager for Youtube videos. The Mute option will be checked automatically when Autoplay is checked (required by Youtube)
  • Options to enable / disable Supported Media for IFrames and specify custom URL values to validate user iframes against.
  • Media elements (iframe, video, audio) that are marked as non-editable (eg: with a mceNonEditable class value) will not be removed from content if the profile is prohibited from using these tags.
  • Input fields in the Rollover tab (Image Manager, Image Manager Extended) can now be cleared by clicking the x button on the right of the input box.
  • Pasting image data from the clipboard will now show a dialog prompt to set a file name and quality level to upload and insert the file.
  • Extended Media options can be enabled for the JCE Media Field to set a Caption, Width, Height, Description (Title or Alt) and Type (Link or Embed)
  • Add a Media Folder parameter for the JCE Media Field to set the base folder for the field relative to the File Directory Path value in the Editor Profile.


  • The NonEditable plugin is now enabled by default and its parameter options are now in Editor Parameters -> Advanced


  • PRO Improved media validation in Media Manager based on Media Support IFrame options
  • Improved cleanup of Excel document content pasted into the editor.
  • Toggling of parameter options when setting some parameter values (using the "showon" option) was not working correctly.
  • The Wordcount limit alert message was not being translated.
  • Updated Media validation
  • Improved state of some buttons when a media or non-editable item is selected
  • Improved interaction of content pasted into the Paste HTML dialog
  • Text content pasted into the Paste HTML dialog could not be inserted into the editor.
  • Clicking on some elements in the Path would select the incorrect element in the editor.
  • Fixed errors in loading the Folders list in the File Browser when the folder name contained reserved regular expression characters.
  • Fixed cursor position reset when pasting in the the Paste HTML window.
  • Pasting some content into the Paste HTML window would remove some attributes, eg: onmouseover etc.
  • Use mediafolder variable name for the Media Folder value to prevent it being overwritten in Joomla 3
  • Rollover effects (onmouseover, onmouseout) were not removed from an image when the values in the Rollover tab were cleared.
  • The onmouseout field value in the Rollover would be blank when editing a selected image instead of being filled with the image url.
  • Update Youtube URL processing to include the /live/ path value.
  • Fix an invalid Wordcount Alert Limit language label.
  • Force pagebreak and readmore hr tags to be self-closing for Joomla 3 compatability.
  • Event conflict with editor tabs caused by SP Page Builder using the role="tab" attribute as a selector for a tab click event.
  • Joomla buttons menu would still show font icons when using svg icons.
  • Duplicate menu items would be displayed in the Joomla list in some extensions.
  • Bold, Italic, etc. could not be toggled on or off while typing
  • An invalid Custom Configuration Variable value would show a PHP Warning message.



  • PRO The Resize parameter options now include the option to set a default Crop to Fit state for each Resize option set.
  • PRO The Resize parameter options now include the option to add a default Resize Suffix
  • PRO The layout of the Resize parameter options are now improved to present the options - Width, Height, Suffix - as a single group.
  • PRO Available resize options can now be selected / deselected with a checkbox in the upload dialog in the Image Manager Extended, File Browser etc.
  • Menu item links added in the Link dialog now use the menu alias format by default, eg: index.php?Itemid=101. An option to resolve this to the full link intead is available in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Link
  • Added an $hour variable option to the File Directory Path value, eg: images/$day/$hour
  • Added a parameter option to disable styling of list items in the Style Select list.
  • Added a parameter option to disable template styling of list items in the Format Select list.
  • A File Browser button is now available in the Link Basic Dialog if the File Browser option is set in the Link parameters.


  • PRO Adding a caption to an image that does not have a set width attribute value would set an incorrect caption width.
  • PRO Uploading an image with multiple resize options or a resize suffix set, would skip processing - image quality, resampling - of the original image.
  • PRO Saving in the Code Tab would not save any content changes.
  • PRO Updating a <figure> element using the Caption dialog would reset the display value if the <figure> element was centre aligned.
  • Styles set in the Keep Styles field in the Clipboard parameters would still be removed when the Remove Styles option was set to Yes.
  • Numeric Code values in the Character Map Add Characters parameter would display as encoded.
  • Word Count was showing untranslated labels.
  • Clicking the File Browser icon in the URL field of a Basic Dialog after closing the File Browser would submit the page or have no effect.
  • The File Browser opened from the Image Manager Basic Dialog would not use the File Directory Path set in the Image Manager parameters.
  • A default class value set for the JCE Media Field would not be included in the img html.
  • It was not possible to change editor content - to reduce the word count - if the Word Count limit was reached.
  • Word Count is now an option enabled or disabled in Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout
  • The Joomla button dropdown now shows icons and supports callbacks via the Insert button in the modal dialog.
  • Word Count will now be visible if the Editor Path is disabled.
  • In a Media Field file link the filename would be used even if a Description parameter value was set.
  • PRO Some {shortcode} containig HTML would be processed incorrectly resulting in encoded HTML when saving or switching back to the Code view.
  • Allow for ( and ) characters in file and folder names.
  • Alignment could not be applied to a <figcaption> if the <figure> element was already aligned.
  • Added scrolling to splitbutton menu, eg: Template Manager list.
  • Readmore placeholder was not diplaying ocrrectly due to Joomla core template opacity style on hr tags.


  • By extending the Joomla Media Field, the JCE Media Field was replacing and removing it as an option in the Fields list.
  • A converted Joomla Media Field, eg: Intro Image, would show a Text Field if no other Media Fields were displayed in the Fields tab.



  • A Language Code plugin has been added (using a globe image as the button icon) to easily add a lang attribute value as an ISO 639-1 Language Code, eg: en, de, fr etc. to any element or text selection.


  • The XHTMLXtras plugin has been split into a new Attributes plugin, for setting and updating common attributes on elements, and a new Reference plugin, which includes the Citation, Abbreviation, Acronym, Deletion and Insertion tools.
  • PRO Add a Custom option to the Code Editor themes list which can be used in conjunction with a codemirror.css file in media/jce/css to create a custom Code Editor theme.


  • PRO Template Manager HTML was not being inserted when selected from the button list in some instances.
  • PRO Template Item HTML was being re-encoded when the field textarea is rendered.
  • Media Field drag & drop or button upload would produce an error.
  • Pasting content from Word or Google Docs that contained italic or bold text styles would not convert the styles correctly.
  • Prevent addition of and remove existing Joomla Media Manager specific values added to a JCE Media Field image value.
  • Improved allowable media support for the JCE Media Field in Joomla 4.2
  • Template stylesheets were not correctly loaded from Astroid framework templates in Joomla 4.
  • Use a media layout override to allow for non-standard file types in the Editor Profile parameters, eg: Template Manager html files.
  • Fixed encoding of some characters when compiling release files that would cause javascript errors when attempting to load the editor on some sites.
  • Applying a Style to some inline elements would apply it to the parent element instead.
  • Saving in the Code tab in JCE Core would show the editor tab when the page reloaded.
  • Editing in the Code tab in SP PageBuilder with JCE Core would produce unexpected results.


  • Files can now be downloaded from the File Browser files list by pressing the ALT key while clicking on the file name.


  • Update Color Splitbutton layout and allow for inclusion of default colours when using Custom Text Colours or Custom Background Colours by adding the $default variable before the colour list.


  • PRO Changing Layout and Stack options in Columns when using the Bootstrap framework would not remove previously applied options.
  • PRO Updated CSS Framework labels in Columns parameters to show support for Bootstrap 4 & 5.
  • PRO A Container or Text class set in the Caption dialog would be removed when updating the caption.
  • Protected PHP code in attribute values was not being converted back if it was wrapped in a RegularLabs Sourcerer {source} tag.
  • Fixed some PHP error messages in PHP 8.1 and Joomla 4.2
  • HTML was being altered or mangled when using RegularLabs Sourcerer code in attribute values
  • Applying and removing some wrapper styles on a selection would not behave as expected.
  • The Styles list would show items in white text on a white background with some configurations.
  • A Custom Style Format using a div tag would not wrap selected content in the div when the style was applied.
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  • PRO Pressing backspace or delete in a block element (paragraph, list) inside a Column would not delete as expected
  • PRO Editing an existing <audio> element with the Media Manager would fail to correctly detect the media type.
  • Media items (Youtube, Vimeo etc.) would include the attribute dimension values (width, height) and the dimensions as a style value. The style values are now removed correctly.
  • The editor would stall or take a long time to load and be unresponsive if the template stylesheet contained hundreds of css class rules, eg: Cassiopeia template.css
  • JOOMLA 4 The popover tooltip was not displaying correctly in the JCE Admin in Joomla 4.
  • JOOMLA 4 Removed the JCE logo display in Joomla 4 Components dashboard.
  • JOOMLA 4 Fixed a Joomla 4 compatability issue producing an error when Convert to SEF is enabled in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Link


  • Some parameter text fields were saving and showing encoded UTF-8 characters.
  • Fixed placeholder values for some parameters.
  • Javascript error in SP PageBuilder Pro when clicking the Apply button due to submit action after form has been removed
  • PRO Editing content in the Code tab in SP PageBuilder would cause content change / update loop
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Reactions: Johan and lorus