Jannah - Best Newspaper Magazine News BuddyPress AMP

Jannah - Best Newspaper Magazine News BuddyPress AMP 7.5.1 Nulled

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- New: Option to remove the Instagram connection in the Integration section on the theme options page.
- New: method to activate licenses to avoid conflicts if you have multiple licenses.
- Updated: Jannah Speed Optimization plugin.
- Updated: TieLabs Instagram Plugin.
- Improved: Comparability with the Ublock extension (Beta).
- Improved: Display the shortlink box on posts only.
- Improved: Web Stories RTL styles.
- Fixed: Self-hosted video width bug.
- Fixed: Search bar custom color in the top and main nav.
- Fixed: Disallow Images for adblockers option bug with the AutoLoaded posts.
- Fixed: Custom color for each menu item is not working if the main nav has custom colors.
- Fixed: Mega menu "Posts – 1st Post Highlighted" styling bug.
- Fixed: Query bug if the block uses categories and tags at the same time.
- Fixed: Conflict with the WPML “Display on Language” option.
- Fixed: Duplicate element ID in the single post page (id=”single-post-meta”).
- Fixed: The H1 tag is missing from the author pages.
- Fixed: "Jump to content" bug with some HTML tags.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
- Added: Support for Google Search on mobiles.
- Improved: Contrast color of some sections.
- Improved: Google Search results in the RTL version.
- Improved: Remove the new additional classic-themes.min.css file added by WordPress from the pages that don't use it.
- Fixed: ARIA [role] issue for the main menu.
- Fixed: Appearance of the Newsletter section that appears after the post if the page doesn't have a sidebar.
- Fixed: Appearance of the search box in the not found pages if the page doesn't have a sidebar.
- Fixed: Hide Sidebars option issue that prevents it from working on some pages.
- Fixed: Custom block quote styling issue.
- Fixed: AMP slider/gallery issue.
- Fixed: Number of posts in the mega menu if it contains sub-menu items.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
- New: Compatibility with WordPress 6.x.
- New: Compatibility with PHP 8.x (8.0, 8.1, 8.2).
- New: Compatibility with bbPress 2.6.x.
- New: Compatibility with BuddyPress 10.x.
- New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.x.
- New: signature option in the about widget.
- New: Signature option for each author that appears at the end of the post and in the about author widget.
- New: One-click copy short link box posts.
- New: Options to change the default featured image sizes directly from the theme options page.
- New: Custom mobile logo.
- New: Option to set a custom title for the post to appear on the single post page.
- New: Option to change the views icon to an eye icon instead of the default fire icon.
- New: Built-in Most viewed posts in the last 7 days.
- New: Add support to post views from the WP Statistics plugin
- New: Using CSS custom properties to reduce the size of the custom auto-generated CSS codes.
- New: Option in Jannah Optimization plugin to preload the logo.
- New: Option in Jannah Optimization plugin to preload the main featured image in the single post page.
- New: Option in Jannah Optimization plugin to preload images of the first slider on the homepage.
- New: Option in Jannah Optimization plugin to preload icon fonts.
- New: Option to lazyLoad Google Adsense Ads (Beta).
- New: Option to lazyLoad Youtube Videos.
- New: Add support for Lazyloading iframes.
- New: Add support for Lazyloading the sections' backgrounds.
- New: Add support for Lazyloading the mega menus' backgrounds.
- New: Add support for Lazyloading the images in the masonry pages.
- New: Patreon Widget.
- New: BuyMeACoffee Widget.
- New: Floating right and left Ad spaces.
- New: Google custom search.
- New: Full-width Ad space below the auto-load posts.
- New: Ad space below the post title for specific post layouts.
- New: 3 new between posts ad spaces.
- New: Option to dismiss the Adblocker popup message.
- New: Reduce Bounce rate and encourage readers to disable AdBlocker by replacing all Featured Images with placeholder image.
- New: Option to delay the appearance of the Adblocker popup message for x seconds.
- New: Option to show the Adblocker popup message once for the visitor.
- NEW: Option in the about author widget to center the content.
- New: Option to set the length of the titles in the posts list widget.
- New: Option in the tags widget to set the number of tags.
- New: Option to exclude categories by IDs in the categories widget.
- New: Circled featured image layout in the posts list widget.
- NEW: Author list widget like the authors template page.
- NEW: Add Co-Author plugin support for the Custom Author Content widget.
- NEW: Add Co-Author plugin support for the Posts by Post’s Author widget.
- New: Sticky menu options for the single post page to display the title, share buttons, and next/prev buttons.
- New: Popular/last/featured posts menu in the main nav.
- New: Mega Menu pagination option.
- New: Options to disable the main menu borders.
- New: Option to set a custom color for each menu item in the main nav.
- New: Options to disable the mega menu settings in the backend.
- New: Ascending and descending order options for the Page builder Blocks.
- New: Ascending and descending order options for the category pages.
- New: Ascending and descending order options for the Check Also section.
- New: Ascending and descending order options for the Read Next slider.
- New: Ascending and descending order options for the Related posts section.
- New: Ascending and descending order options for the Inline Related Posts section.
- New: Now you can use categories and tags at the same time in the homepage blocks.
- New: Option to query the posts that have been published in the last x days.
- New: Option to only shows the trending posts in the Page builder Blocks.
- New: Option in the post-edit page to disable the auto-load posts for the current post.
- New: Option in the category edit page to disable the auto-load posts for all posts in this category.
- New: option to auto-load the most recent posts.
- New: option to auto-load random posts.
- New: Option to display the sidebar once on mobiles for the autoloaded posts
- New: Add support for the favicon in the AMP pages.
- New: Option add rel=sponsored to the buttons shortcode.
- New: Meta Description tag for the archives.
- New: Typography option for the post subtitle.
- New: Video structure data.
- New: Creating a jump to the Post Contents is now much easier by just choosing the header tag.
- NEW: Option to exclude authors by IDs from the authors list page.
- New: Option to set a custom title for the Story Highlights section.
- New: Compatibility with Twitter API v2.0.
- New: Option to disable the LightBox feature.
- New: Compatibility with the Google Web Stories plugin.
- New: Web stories section, display the stories below the header.
- New: Web stories section, display the stories above the footer.
- New: Custom layout for the web stories page.
- New: Web stories blocks in the page builder with multiple layouts to choose from.
- New: A lot of options to customize the Web Stories archive page.
- New: Blocks shadow option.
- New: Sticky Circle share buttons on the single post page.
- New: Options to set a custom color for each widget.
- New: Option to change the position of the reading indicator to the top.
- New: Option to set the default quote layout.
- New: Option to change the quote background and colors.
- New: link hovering style option.
- New: Option in the category settings page to set a custom color for all posts in this category.
- Tweak: Replace http with https for logos.
- Tweak: stop loading preload resources on the AMP pages.
- Fixed: URLs of the hashtags in the Twitter widget.
- Tweak: Removed the extra CSS and Js files of the blocks added by Woocommerce, bbPress, and BuddyPress.
- Tweak: Avoid post views increments on revisions/drafts.
- Fixed: The login icon is missing if the Gravatar option is disabled.
- Fixed: Slideshow shortcode loading height issue.
- Fixed: Total followers number in the Arqam widget.
- Fixed: Sections with Left Sidebar are not aligned perfectly,
- Fixed: Share buttons SSL issue in Jannah extensions plugin.
- Fixed: Self-hosted videos width issue in magazine2 layout.
- Fixed: Change class widget-ad-image to avoid adblockers
- Fixed: Autoload posts bug if the post has multiple pages.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.