
J-BusinessDirectory 5.8.19

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Bug Fixes:
  • Language Identifier Cleanup: We've resolved the issue of duplicate language identifiers in language files, ensuring smooth language functionality without any conflicts. This fix ensures accurate language representation across your business directory.
  • Streamlined Event Management: We've connected event type settings with the list view on the admin interface, providing a seamless event management experience. Now you can easily configure and manage events, ensuring consistency in event display and effortless event administration.
  • Enhanced User Experience: We've addressed various bugs related to module positions on search results, pagination issues, and subscription states. These fixes enhance the overall user experience and ensure smooth navigation and functionality within your business directory.
Bug fixes
  • Ordering for payment processors
  • Fixed taxes save functionality
  • Fixed limit cities/regions
  • Show keyword on the search filters
  • Update GUZZLE HTTP to 7.5.0
  • Update Leaflet to 1.9.3
  • PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Use category as container - the category is not available for selection on the edit pages for listings, offers & events
  • Improve the open hours functionality
  • Show review score on offer list views
  • Item logs improvements
  • Listings style 3 improvements
  • Booking process improvements for JBD apps

Bug fixes
  • Missing update files for several extensions
  • Fixed structured data for listings and events views
  • Fixed ordering of the company images
  • Events module date fix
  • Related listings fix
  • Listings module fixes
  • Categories display style fixes
  • Google street view fix
  • New design for the list views, grid views and related modules for listings, offers and events
  • Add opening status on list views
  • Add new fields on listing - hourly rate and project size
  • Add a setting for list view to show: opening hours, social networks or memberships

Bug fixes
  • Map markers are not loaded with Ajax mechanism
  • Fix map markers display on filters
  • Search results fixes
  • Fix front-end dashboard statistics
  • Fix Javascript errors
full change log https://www.cmsjunkie.com/news/j-businessdirectory-v5-7-6-stable-released


  • Add a delete option to linked listings in the admin area
  • Limit sounds in application settings and packages/ Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Listings were displayed on the front-end with a package that was not paid
  • Fix Custom attribute error on Joomla4
  • Fix load more button on other languages
  • Add new staff member loads LNG_MEMBER 2
  • Unable to save offers and events | J4 + PHP8
  • Related Companies - Disappear on front end when the listing is edited
  • Access user group invalid - if group setting is set to none, it throws an error.
  • Unordered list on detail page - style 3 and 4
  • General settings - search & locate of a setting is not working - J4
  • The order of the payment processor fields changes every time when the page it is loaded
  • Character limit for notes under business hours
  • JBD Campaigns order issues
  • Search filter reset search parameters
  • Statistics legends are mixed
  • Store emojis on the reviews table
  • Like
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