InstiKit School - School ERP for School, College, Institute and Academy

Nulled InstiKit School - School ERP for School, College, Institute and Academy 4.9.0 Nulled

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* Up to date Laravel & Vue.js version
* Biometric Integration (Addons)
* QR Code based Attendance for Students
* New Program Type module
* Guardian form improved
* Employee form send account creation email
* Student/Employee Edit Request improvement
* Division, Course, Batch wise Period update
* Exam and Term reorder
* Marksheet related improvement
* Fee Concession Amount log in Fee Payment
* Sibling record in Student Fee Payment

* Up to date Laravel & Vue.js version
* Mobile Application Support
* Multiple Session Allotment for Timetable
* Support for New PayHead as Total
* Ledger & Payment Method Placeholder in Voucher Number
no change log for this version

* Up to date Laravel & Vue.js version
* Predefined Color Theme Support
* Student Tag & Group Support
* Employee Tag & Group Support

*** BUG FIXES ***

* Sync Role & Permission issue fixed

* Up to date Laravel & Vue.js version
* Realtime Chat with Users
* Assignment Submission by Students
* Assignment Evaluation by Teachers
* Academic Department Module
* Payment Gateway Account wise Report
* Delete Imported Students at once

*** BUG FIXES ***

* Student Update issue fixed
* Up to date Laravel & Vue.js version
* SMS Gateway Integration
* Email Communication
* Show/Hide Menus
* Custom Field support in Student, Employee & Registration
* Elective Subject wise Attendance
* Subject wise Attendance Report
* QR Code based Attendance
* New Attendance Assistant Role
* Paystack Payment Gateway Integration
* Feature to set Stock Item Quantity during item creation
* Stock Category & Item Import

*** BUG FIXES ***
* Online Registration Submission
* Up to date Laravel & Vue.js version
* Keyboard Navigation for Student & Employee Search
* Keyboard Navigation for Available Menu
* New Academic Session Module
* Assign Event to Event Incharge Incharge
* Conditional formula in Payroll
* Convert Enquiry to Registration, Assign Enquiry to Employee, Import Enquiry
* Assign Complaint to Employees, Manage Complaint Logs
* Student Attendance, Subject, Exam in Student's Profile
* Support to delete Student
* Print Batch wise Timetable
* Student & Employee timetable in Dashboard Feed
* Billdesk & CCAvenue Payment Gateway status check
* Improved Contact Module
* Alumni Module, Events for Alumni
* Discipline Module
* Communication -> Send Email Module
* Rewritten from scratch with latest version of Laravel, Vue.js & Tailwind CSS
* New UI, New Design, New Experience
* Support Multi School Feature
* New Recruitment Module
* New Mess Module
* New Activity Module
* New Custom Form Module
* New Gallery Module
* Improved Dashboard for Student & Guardian
* Improved Exam Module with Attempt feature
* Improved Fee Module with Head wise Fee Payment
* Billdesk, CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration
  • Realtime Analysis of Exam Report
  • School-wise, Course-wise, Batch-wise Report
  • Tons of Printable & Exportable Reports
  • Reports available for Admin, Subject Teachers, Students & Parents