Ignite Gallery

Ignite Gallery 5.0.5

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5.0.5 - 13th May 2024​

Custom Field Plugin​

  • Feature #877: Add new custom field plugin. You can now add a Gallery to a Joomla article by using the custom field method. Please see this page for more info.


  • Feature #971: Add option to add descriptions to multiple images in one task.
  • Feature #962: Mousewheel events now change the lightbox image
  • Change #948: Change cross icon to magnify icon (the open lightbox icon)
  • Bug Fix #966: Database text encoding for new installs is now set to utf8mb4. This allows emoticons in the text. In the next version, the text encoding will be upgraded on all installs.
  • Bug Fix #961: If 2 galleries have a different parent, they can now have the same url alias
  • Bug Fix #976: When a youtube video is added, the no-cookie url should be used
  • Bug Fix #973: Import from server task should created the resized images when the images are imported
  • Bug Fix #970: Fix fatal php error when image is rotated and PHP 8.3 is used


  • Feature #974: Add option to display most downloaded images
  • Bug Fix #972: Fix fatal php error when module and Joomla multifactor login are used
  • Bug Fix #955: Fix Pagination not working in module in version 5 of gallery

Content Plugin​

  • Bug Fix #957: Content plugin should not run in Joomla admin to reduce conflicts

Editor Button Plugin​

  • Bug Fix #956: Fix conflict with JCE when editing frontend article

Smart Search Image Plugin​

  • Bug Fix #952: Don't index public images if the profile access is set to registered
  • Bug Fix #951: Fix links are not correct when pagination in gallery is used

5.0.4 - 5th December 2023​


  • Feature #946: Record the amount of times an image has been downloaded, and display it in the edit image page
  • Bug Fix #949: Add Google reCaptcha to gallery comments for Joomla 5. In Joomla 5, the reCaptcha plugin is removed from Joomla. Now you can enter the reCaptcha keys to the gallery options. The gallery has not changed it's function when it works inside Joomla 4, it uses the Joomla reCaptcha plugin.
  • Bug Fix #945: Fix Joomla 5 bug, display of some elements in Joomla admin template dark mode is hard to see.
  • Bug Fix #950: Installer actions should run on the postflight hook, to reduce the chance of install being incomplete if an error happens.

5.0.3 - 13th November 2023​


  • Feature #941: Add profile options to display the image owner name/username in the image description
  • Feature #942: Add profile options to display/hide the "Show All" tag filter
  • Feature #936: Add gallery advanced option to choose if canoncial tags are removed from src html
  • Feature #938: The paths in the administrator/components/com_igallery/defines.php file can now be overridden (see comments in file)
  • Bug Fix #944: If image is imported from server and kept in src folder, error when used as menu image
  • Bug Fix #937: Fix image slider height when 2 galleries on the same page with different image heights


  • Bug Fix #943: Fix 5.0 bug, tags cloud has a php error

5.0.2 - 3rd November 2023​


  • Bug Fix #933: Fix 5.0 bug, thumbnail on edit image details page has no max width
  • Bug Fix #932: Fix 5.0 bug, tags sometimes not appearing in edit image details page

5.0.1 - 3rd November 2023​


  • Bug Fix #931: Fix 5.0 bug, fix compatability with yootheme templates
  • Bug Fix #930: Fix 5.0 bug, watermarking images with font file has an error

Ignite Gallery Version 5 (New Version that Supports Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 - released 31st October) v5.0.0 Joomla 4 Joomla 5​

Please unzip the package first, then upload the component using the Joomla installer. To upgrade from version 4 of Ignite gallery, upload/install this version using the Joomla installer.

4.9.1 - 3RD APRIL 2023​


  • Bug fix #909: Fix version 4.9 bug where uploader will not work if Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch or Slovak is used as the Joomla admin langauge.
  • Bug fix #910: Fix version 4.9 bug where editing a gallery and saving with a non english Joomla admin langauge may raise a date format error.
  • Bug fix #:911 Fix version 4.9 bug where lightbox thumbail scroller max height gets applied to main gallery thumbnail scroller max height.
  • Change #:913 Add Z-A as ordering option for galleries and images.

4.9 - 20TH MARCH 2023​

  • Feature #834: Add support for SVG images in the gallery. For security reasons, only administartors can add SVG images, and the files are sanatized on upload.
  • Feature #838:Add options to change access/owner/link-behavior on multiple images. The button is above the images list.
  • Feature #839:Add options to change profile or user on multiple galleries. The button is above the gallery list.
  • Feature #890: Add new options to the frontend form fields tab, to allow control over what categories appear in the frontend parent select box.
  • Feature #883: Add profile option to order images by exif data
  • Feature #891: Add advanced config option to choose if videos in the lightbox autoplay
  • Change #882: Add more language support for filepond uploader
  • Bug Fix #893: Fix all PHP depreciation notices in PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2
  • Bug Fix #893: Changing lazyloading to fix conflict with helix framework.
  • Bug Fix #886: Joomla 4 gallery select boxes should be searchable and allow multiple in the module/plugin.
  • Bug Fix #885: Every delete task should have a confirm dialog.
  • Bug Fix #880: Rounded corners do not show during slide image transition and ken burns effect.
  • Bug Fix #879: Password rederict url is wrong if the gallery plugin is used to display the gallery.
  • Bug Fix #878: In the Joomla 4 frontend image management pages, the sef url/active menu item is not kept on some pages.
  • Bug Fix #:895 Pagination should not be used if limit is set in the module.
  • Bug Fix #898: If the menu image opens the lightbox, the escape key should close the lightbox.

4.8.2 - 26TH OCTOBER 2022​


  • Feature #742: On upload, the gallery will import the exif camera info if present: Camera Make/Model, Date, Aperture, Exposure time, ISO, Focal length, GPS location. You can choose to display this info in the gallery profile settings - image descriptions section.
  • Feature #875: Add advanced config option to choose if image links are added to the source html.
  • Feature #864: Add advanced config option to choose if joomla transliterator or php transliterator is used.
  • Feature #861: Add advanced config option to choose if to do utf8 conversion on exif data.
  • Change #860: Remove depreciated plupload uploader. Filepond if now default, and html5 form is a backup.
  • Change #841: Improve look of the thumbnail video play icon
  • Change #805: Show slideshow share buttons directly in toolbar, not on a drop down
  • Change #871: Update mobile detect library
  • Bug Fix #804: Frontend edit image and edit image list should have a lightbox opened when thumb is clicked.
  • Bug Fix #870: Gallery folder should not change name when gallery name changes
  • Bug Fix #867: Fix height of frontend editor is to small in Joomla 4.1
  • Bug Fix #866: Do not make the gallery fullscreen by default on android, this allows pinch/zoom on the image
  • Bug Fix #858: Fix php notices and warnings in PHP 8.1