Iconic WooCommerce Product Configurator

Iconic WooCommerce Product Configurator 1.23.0 Nulled

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[new] Compatibility with the block based Product Editor
[update] Store and output images scaled down images on the cart page
[fix] Image change doesn't work when used with Iconic Linked Variation
[fix] Fatal error in Elementor editor
[new] Compatibility with the single product block.
[new] Added several developer filters to support offloading generated images to a CDN.
[new] Added new logic and the `iconic_pc_disallowed_params` developer filter to strip unwanted parameters causing generated thumbnail images to break.
[update] Refactored caching implementation and introduced automatic cleanup of cached image files when the transients expire.
[update] Slight refactor to front-end JavaScript to improve compatibility with plugins that hide the variations table and provide their own variations UI e.g Extra Product Options & Add-Ons.
[update] Telemetry now shares a dependency injection container with other Iconic products for performance.
[update] Iconic dependencies.
[fix] Image zoom with preloading enabled no longer requires moving the mouse away and back again to trigger
[fix] Resolved WooThumbs + Product Configurator compatibility issues
[fix] Fix license validation issues and type errors
[new] Declared compatibility with WooCommerce's HPOS feature
[update] Debounced large image updates to reduce HTTP requests
[update] Replaced the default order item thumbnail with the generated product image
[update] Prevented variation changes from causing excessive refreshing of WooThumbs
[update] Admin AJAX image generation URLs can now have `&redirect=1` appended to redirect to the generated image file
[fix] Only query select fields inside visible variations tables
[fix] Compatibility with Be Theme builder
[fix] Stripped % characters from attribute slugs when loading JSON layer images
[update] Avoid recursion issue when WooThumbs images load
[fix] "&" characters in custom product attribute terms no longer break image generation
[fix] Prevented a fatal error in PHP 8 when JPG images are (incorrectly) used for configurator layers
[fix] Prevented the duplication of configurator markup when the featured image is used again in the galler
[fix] Prevent fatal error when fetching product meta
[fix] Fixed bug in Variation Swatches for WooCommerce compatibility to prevent recursion issues