Hub - Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Hub - Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme 4.4 Nulled

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New New Demo: Travel Agency NewNew Demo: Life Coach NewNew Demo: Psychology
New 3D banner widget video start/end option (wpbakery)
New Mailchimp translate strings
New Gallery laptop widget video option (elementor)
New Testimonial carousel widget content typograpy option (elementor)
Enhancement Section scrolls
Enhancement Adaptive backgrounds
Enhancement Ajax load more
Enhancement Schedule table widget auto order
Fixed Menu not working when using elementor custom layouts
FixedT abs not working in mobile nav
Fixed Menu items not working with page blocks
Fixed Sidebar settings not working on woo archives
Fixed Text highlight not showing when animations disabled on mobile
Fixed Woo featured products widget not appearing with careusel template
New 4 new demos: Gym, Charity, Education and Jewellery
New Button icon sticky color options
New Carousel disable line break option
New Elementor template editor
Enhancement Banner bananas responsiveness
Enhancement Carousel responsive
Enhancement General styling
Fixed Iconbox tags issues
Fixed Load more not working in some cases
Fixed Button scroll to section below not working
Fixed WooCommerce products list filter not working in carousel layout
Fixed Title tag option not working in hub blog posts list
New Masked Image custom shape options
New Page blocks animation speed option
New Custom Cursor Explore when hovering blog items
New Newsletter GDPR option
New Section Flow reverse direction option
New Iconbox content color option (wpbakery)
Enhancement Submenu expander position
Enhancement Team member widget responsiveness
Enhancement PHP 8.2 compatibility
Enhancement Accecibility
Enhancement Mailchimp translation
Fixed Collapsible mobile menu not working
Fixed Add to cart spinner arrows missing
Fixed Asymmetric Slider in rtl
Fixed Carousel in rtl
Fixed Carousel items width issue
Fixed Process box svg icons size and color issues
Fixed WPBakery not working with 3rd pary plugins
Enhancement Megamenu slide
Enhancement Vertical menu & Mobile menu
Enhancement Updated WooCommerce templates
Fixed Custom menu dropdown issue
Fixed Fullscreen project not working
Fixed Post types
Fixed Accordion & Tab Widgets not working
Fixed Mobile modern nav colors
Fixed Responsive header & menu issues
Fixed Accordion not working
Fixed Portfolio external link and attribute not working
NewBootstrap 5 js support

New Hub Booking Plugin: Email templates option

Enhancemen tClose mobile nav on click when page blocks enabled

Enhancement Enabled section flow on tablet

Enhancement Iconbox Widget image alt-text from attachment

Enhancement Menu click toggle

Enhancement Newsletter opt-in

Enhancement Portfolio custom footer support

Enhancement Portfolio gallery format not working

Enhancement Removed accordion outline on focus

Enhancement Slideshow Widget title font-size

Fixed Accordion Widget - svg icon is not rendering

Fixed Animated frame numbers alignment

Fixed Elementor templates page is blank

Fixed Elementor widget gap issue

Fixed Logo link target issue

Fixed Masonry layout when it's in a modal

Fixed Mobile menu expander position

Fixed Mobile submenu expander

Fixed Sticky custom menu offset
New Hub Booking Plugin
New Two New Demos: Hotel, Beauty
Enhancement Improved Restaurant & SPA Demo (with Hub Booking plugin)
Enhancement Improving accordion focusable title
Enhancement Improving mobile menu accessibility
Enhancement RTL issues
EnhancementAdded accordion tag option (wpbakery)
FixedBlock Editor (Gutenberg) not working.
Fixed WPBakery editor styles broken
Fixed Megamenu positioning
Enhancement Added carousel stack autoplay options

Enhancement Fullscreen project video loop

Enhancement Smoother parallax

Enhancement Improved animations and parallax

Enhancement Disabled slide on hover on fancy box on mobile for better ux

Enhancement Added style21-alt to theme options

Enhancement Localscroll

Enhancement WooCommerce template updates

Enhancement Mobile menu accessibility

Enhancement Liquid custom animation indicator in editor

Enhancement Added center and edges to animations direction

Enhancement Disabled slide on hover on fancy box on mobile for better ux

Enhancement Added woo search hide trigger on desktop option

Enhancement Section flow on tablet

Enhancement Added carousel custom offset

Fixed Elementor editor is not opening

Fixed abs not scrolliong to content on mobile

Fixed WPBakery footer 33 & fancy box 08 collection template missing

Fixed Masonry not working in Elementor custom layouts

Fixed Sidebar always show on the Elementor

Fixed Carousel dots numbers not showing currectly

Fixed Filters not working on pf widget on mobile

Fixed Page blocks issue where header is not visible

Fixed WooCommerce search widget is not translation

Fixed Portfolio ajax button translation

Fixed Gallery duplicated lightbox images

Fixed Button hover swap in rt

Fixed Filters not working on pf widget on mobile
FIXED WP Dashboard & Elementor not loading