[Fixed] Agent search not working in mobile
[Fixed] User type is agent contact form translation for WPML
[Fixed] Manually added reviews from admin panel
[Fixed] Edit property gallery delete and set featured icon stopped working in latest WP
[Improved] listing card gallery
[Improved] Property top area 7 photoswipe image popup size
[Improved] WPML compatibility
[Updated] Houzez Theme Functionality plugin to v3.4.8
[Fixed] Fatal error in v3.4.6 Houzez theme functionality plugin. One file was missed while upload.
[New] Delete user agency then user deleted under WP Admin Users.
[Improved] Property detail page loading with lot of images.
[Improved] Listings cards image gallery
[Improved] Currency switcher with cache plugins.
[Improved] Overall code for better performance
[Fixed] Emails notification not working when agency register agent in front-end dashboard.
[Fixed] Houzez Theme Functionality plugin always show Install Now button
[Fixed] Default image placeholder not show in dashboard
[Updated] Houzez Theme Functionality plugin
[Updated] Houzez login Register plugin
[Fixed] Property detail v6 & v7 builtIn popup gallery not working after previous update.
[Improved] Show more for property description
[Improved] Saved search
[Improved] Parent child property features logic
[Improved] If video and 360 are set a first tab, if video not available then next tab should activate
[Improved] Property slider HTML
[Improved] Photoswipe gallery
[Updated] Photoswipe gallery to latest version
[Updated] Houzez theme functionality plugin to v3.4.5
[Updated] Houzez Login Register plugin to v3.4.0
[Fixed] Email icon not disabled for gallery popup on mobile
[New] Option to enable/disable show more description
[Fixed] Author contact information stopped working in v3.4.5
[Improved] Property detail top area v5 gallery indexing
[Improved] Photoswipe gallery
[Updated] Houzez Theme functionality plugin
[New] Compatibility with Elementor v3.26.0
[Improved] Improved contact forms code
[Fixed] Listing template tabs stopped to show in latest WordPress version.
[Fixed] Gallery v3 & v4 variable image height issue
[Updated] Houzez Theme Functionality plugin (Update required)
[Fixed] Compatibility with Elementor latest v3.25.4
[Fixed] Houzez Studio Library import issue with Elementor latest version.
[Fixed] Compatibility issue between Houzez Studio and Elementor Pro v3.25.0
[New] Compatibility with Elementor image optimised plugin.
[New] Option to choose image size for Elementor widgets, Property Image Gallery 2, Property Image Gallery 4, Property Image Gallery 5 and Section Top Area v3, v4, v6, v7
[New] Image count for mobile view for property detail top area v6, v7 Elementor widgets
[Improved] Photoswipe gallery for property detail page
[Improved] Security of houzez login register plugin.
[Improved] Overall security of theme.
[Fixed] WP admin panel images gallery sorting issue
[Fixed] Keyword field not show in saved searches
[Updated] Houzez Login Register plugin. Update required
[Updated] Slider Revolution plugin