Hooked E-book

Hooked E-book Version 1.00

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When it comes to driving engagement and building habits, Hooked is an excellent guide into the mind
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When you reach for your phone, does your finger ever reach for Instagram or Twitter without you consciously meaning to? This is the power of habit-forming products. The world's most successful digital products, like smartphones, social media platforms, apps, websites, make us form these habits.
What made the iPhone the most profitable product in the world? Why does the average person check their smartphone is 110 times a day? As of the fourth quarter of 2019, Facebook has almost 2.5 billion monthly active users. What is it about these products? According to Nir Eyal, it's because they make use form habits, wedge themselves into our lives, and offer variable rewards.
Nir Eyal is a behavioural design and consumer psychology expert with a focus on helping businesses change user behaviour and retain customers. Hooked is a distillation of his knowledge, after years of research and working with clients. It's a fascinating read and insight into why we do the things that we do. Eyal explores the 4-step framework that makes these products so successful, with practical insights to create user habits that stick.
“When it comes to driving engagement and building habits, Hooked is an excellent guide into the mind of the user.” —Andrew Chen, General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz
Our favourite quote from Hooked
Users who continually find value in a product are more likely to tell their friends about it.
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