Happy Elementor Addons Pro  - addon for Elementor

Happy Elementor Addons Pro - addon for Elementor 2.16.4 Nulled

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Tweak: Promotional material added.
- New: Added WPML support for the following widgets: Age Gate, Archive Posts, Comparison Table, Event Calendar, Image Hover Effect, Image Stack Group, Animated Link, Photo Stack, Post Info, Post Navigation, Social Share, Post List, Taxonomy List.
- Fix: Additional Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements.
- Update: Replaced waypoint.js with Intersection Observer for the following widgets: Line Chart, Radar Chart, Polar Chart, Pie Chart, Table of Contents
- Update: Replaced waypoint.js with Intersection Observer for the following features: Global Badge
- Fix: PHP deprecated warning on advanced heading.
- Tweak: Enhancement in Advanced Comparison Table widget.
- Fix: Z-index issue on Table of Content widget.
- Fix: Live copy feature for sections and container.
- Tweak: Lightbox widget Alignment option added.
- Fix: Security improvement for Gradient Heading widget.
- New: Advanced Comparison Table Widget.
  • New: Lightbox Widget.
  • Fix: GravityForms style issue.
  • Fix: Security improvement for Image Accordion widget.
  • Fix: Security improvement for Post Navigation widget.
- Fix: Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Tweak: Icon option added in the Modal Popup widget.
- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor 3.21