GoStock - Free and Premium Stock Photos Script

Tested GoStock - Free and Premium Stock Photos Script 5.3

No permission to download
Author Zechariah
Creation date
[New] Updated to Laravel v10.48.10
[New] Updated to Bootstrap 5.3.3
[Bug Fix] Removed white spaces in titles (SEO)
[Bug Fix] Sending email to seller on new sale
[Bug Fix] Error currency on Razorpay
[Bug Fix] Cancel subscription with Wallet
[Bug Fix] Sitemaps media
[Bug Fix] View Service Provider error
[New] Updated to Laravel v10.40.0
[New] Sitemaps only the images
[New] Updated to JQuery v3.7.1
[New] Support for all zero-decimal currencies (Stripe)
[New] Tag Alt on images
[New] Link to Homepage from error 404

[Bug Fix] Unmatched error on 503 page
[Bug Fix] Button “View” on withdrawals on dark mode
[Bug Fix] Banner cookies policy on light mode
[Bug Fix] Suscription error Stripe on Admin Panel
[Bug Fix] Suscription renewal on PayPal
[Bug Fix] How can use photo edit error
[Bug Fix] Subcategories show all edit image
[Bug Fix] Sort search error
[Bug Fix] Sending email to user New Sale
[Bug Fix] Edit image on categories
[Bug Fix] Search sort with oldest
[Bug Fix] Subcategories edit on Admin Panel