GORIDE | InDriver Clone | Flutter Complete Taxi Booking Solution with Bidding Option

Tested GORIDE | InDriver Clone | Flutter Complete Taxi Booking Solution with Bidding Option 5.0

No permission to download
- Implemented subscription module.
- Added schedule ride notification feature.
- Upgraded all dependencies to the latest stable versions.
- Migrated deprecated APIs and replaced outdated dependencies.
- Updated compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to the latest versions.
- Upgraded Gradle and Kotlin versions for improved build performance.
- Shifted from Android Support Libraries to AndroidX.
- Updated Flutter SDK and resolved deprecated methods.
- Applied minor fixes to enhance performance, resolve warnings, and improve UI.
- Made significant UI and development improvements in the admin panel.
- Ensured full compatibility with Flutter 3.27.3.
- Handle multi-lingual support with data management.
- Fixed minor bugs, and enhanced performance.
- Support Flutter version 3.24.3.
Made the Flutter app compatible with Flutter SDK 3.24.2
- Dependency upgrade.
- Open Street Map Integrated (OSM Map)
- Fix the pagination issue to prevent loading all data at once.
- Minor improvements and Bug fixing
- Fixing minor bugs.
- Performance improvement.
- Implemented zone-wise booking feature.
- Minor Bugs fixing.
- Dependency upgrade.
- Flutter version upgrade 3.19.6.
- Dependency upgrade.
- Migrate Deprecated imperative apply of Flutter’s Gradle plugins.
- Supported latest flutter SDK 3.19.2.
- Restriction on Incomplete Payments: Customers with outstanding payments from previous rides will not be able to book a new ride.
- Vehicle-Specific Admin Commissions
- Ride Booking for Others
- Integrated Airport transfer
- Freight Feature Integration
- Upgrade to the Latest Flutter Version (3.13.8)
- Update Firebase Dependencies
- Minor Bug Fixing