Gift Wrapper for WooCommerce

Gift Wrapper for WooCommerce 5.7.0

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* New - Option to control product level gift wrapper in cart and checkout pages
* New - Added developer hook "gtw_gift_wrapper_order_item_design_value"
* Tweak - Admin side usability improvements
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 9.0.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.5.4
* Fix - Remove gift wrapper option displayed on cart and checkout page even if gift wrapping is set as Mandatory
* Tweak - Product level gift wrapper can be removed from cart/checkout page
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.5.0
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 8.7.0
* Fix - Gift wrapper price not updated in cart total when Gift Wrapper Mode is set as Without Designs
* Fix - Unable to add product level gift wrapper in cart/checkout page when Custom Fields are enabled only in product level
* New - Compatible with cart and checkout blocks
* New - Option to choose visible areas for custom fields
* Tweak - Supported Alt text for gift wrapper images in frontend
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.4.3
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 8.5.2
* Fix - PHP Error in WP List table
* Fix - Order gift wrapper removed automatically when gift wrapper is already selected in product level for all products in the cart
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 8.4.0
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.4.2
* Fix - Cart item data from other plugins removed when updating Gift Wrapper in cart page
* Fix - Alignment issue in cart page for bundled products
* Tweak - Entire order gift wrapping product will be added as final cart item
* Tweak - CSS Improvements in backend
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 7.5.0
* New - Option to show product level gift wrapper before selecting variation for variable products
* New - Shortcode supported to display product gift wrapper
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 7.2.2
* New - User Filter added for Gift Wrapping
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 7.2
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.1.1
* Fix - Unable to select translated product categories for gift wrapping when using WPML
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.1.1
* Fix - Unable to add virtual products to cart if Gift Wrapper is mandatory and virtual products are excluded for gift wrapping
* Fix - Compatibility issue with WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugi
* New - Compatibility with WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin
* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 7.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.1
* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 6.0.3
* Fix - Gift Wrapper option not displaying in some cases when "Only for products under Selected Categories" restriction is applied