Forum statistics system

Forum statistics system 4.2.4

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Bağlantılarda bulunan içerik ön izleme alanı görünmeme sorunu giderilmiştir.
The control problem in Collapse screen has been fixed.
1. Fixed some information loss when user statistics are turned off
2. Removed unnecessary less structures.
3. Improvements were made to templates.
This plugin is compatible and stable with add-ons XenForo 2.3.X.
  • Improvements have been made to the LESS Structure.
  • For mobile systems, the sort field has been removed and more characters are displayed.
The visible error in the positioning system has been fixed (only your own position).
- Statistics display positions have been added to the theme properties area for themes custom settings. In this way, it will now be possible to display in different positions in each theme.
- The theme properties area has been divided into 2 and put into a more understandable pattern in terms of options and design.
- Template updates and renewals have been made.
- Improvements in the Less structure, the errors seen have been fixed.
- Less structure has been restructured for day/night mode themes and simplified for color adjustments.
- Added visual customization field for sequence numbers field.
- Added turn on/off feature of sequencing numbers.
  • Fixed an issue in the visual structure.
  • Updated for English language file. Since we have users who broadcast in English on their forums, those who want to use it can use the English language patch by installing it on the English language patch of the forum. Those who do not broadcast in English are not obliged to update.