Font Awesome Pro

Font Awesome Pro 6.7.2

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Fixed minification bug that caused problems with libraries like jQuery and older Safari versions

Updated the Library.add() TypeScript definition to be more typey and scrippy

Missed a hard-coded "fa" in the SCSS assets which caused issues showing version 4 icons

Added a square version of the Bluesky logo. Follow us on Bluesky here..


Flipped the direction of the hydra to match our other animals


Removed alternative text from content CSS properties to fix Safari < v17.4

Made sure the new CSS logo is in Font Awesome Free

Adjusted the optical size of the Bluesky logo

Optimized the line-weight of the Laravel logo

Fixed a glitch in the Sharp styles of the square-parking icon

Introducing Font Awesome Sharp Duotone!
3,000+ icons in a brand-new duotone style: Sharp Duotone
Sharp Solid, Sharp Regular, Sharp Light, Sharp Thin are already available for use.
Icons are all built on the same 16px grid as existing Font Awesome Classic icons.
We needed an icon to represent a component, so put a ring on it with our new diamonds-4 icon
It took a whole lot of routers, but we finally fully connected the world with a globe-wifi icon
In the immortal words of Captain America, Hail Hydra
Speaking of immortal, we've just added a certain bearded deity with our user-beard-bolt icon
We had the great idea to include a lightbulb-message icon
Our thumbtack icon was lonely, so we added its counterpart, thumbtack-slash
You can never have enough cephalopods! Our squid icon is joined by an octopus icon
In our last release, we locked some table-related icons, this time, we unlocked them: table-cells-unlock, table-cells-column-unlock, and table-cells-row-unlock
Flitted in with a brand icon for Flutter
Threw a bullseye with a brand icon for Dart

We heard there was a new the SoundCloud icon


Fixed --fa-font-solid, --fa-font-regular, --fa-font-light, --fa-font-thin CSS Custom properties to have correct family names: Font Awesome 6 Pro in SVG-specific CSS.
Fixed an error with the square-chevron-down icon
Fixed a bug in the duotone version of the file-slash icon
Fixed up the globe-stand icon in duotone
Crowned our new Web Awesome brand icon
Waved our new Font Awesome brand icon
Finally added the new Bluesky brand icon
Added a new commissioned JXL for Jira brand icon
A batch of new icons, including: caduceus, gluten-free, and reflect-both icons
Signaled a new circle-wifi and commissioned circle-wifi-group icons
New commissioned file-cad, ant, and baby bottle icons
Locked in some table-related icons, including: table-cells-lock, table-cells-column-lock, and table-cells-row-lock
Updated the Kickstarter brand icon
Updated the Upwork brand icon
Fixed an issue where calendar-lines in Sharp Regular wasn't actually sharp
Fixed the duotone styling of printer, fax, and shredder
Fixed spacing in the location-check icon
Fixed an issue with the SVG of face-kiss-beam
Filled in some missing icons in the arrow-to/from-bracket icon series
Update the TypeScript definition for Library.add() to allow an array of icon defintions
Animation CSS custom property --fa-rotate-by now has a correct default value of 0
Fixed some Less variable issues with --fa-bounce

Updated the reddit, reddit-alien, and square-reddit brand icons


Corrected file-pdf reading "PNG"

Updated some brand icons that were accidentally marked as Pro-only
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Reactions: surlro

Introducing Font Awesome Sharp Thin!
3,000+ icons in an elegant new style: Sharp Thin
Sharp Solid, Sharp Regular, and Sharp Light are already available for use. Sharp Duotone is coming soon!
Icons are all built on the same 16px grid as existing Font Awesome Classic icons.

Icon upload now supports Duotone Icons!

A batch of new brand icons, including: Google Scholar, Pixiv, Signal, Upwork, and Webflow.

Added the Mintbit brand icon, commissioned by Mintbit.

Our dinosaur icon was lonely, so we added a T-Rex icon to keep it company.

Made our childhood selves happy by adding truck-fire, excavator, and bulldozer icons. Also added a truck-ladder icon.

Added a selection of City Management icons commissioned by WBlue, including landmark-magnifying-glass, tent-double-peak, truck-utensils, hammer-brushh, sign, sign-wrench, sign-post, building-memo, building-magnifying-glass, and hand-holding-circle-dollar.

Went back to the future, and added our version 4 spinner icon.

Included some popular icon requests, including: bell-ring, folder-check, cannon, court-sport, and wave.

Collected a number of new file-type icons.

Searched for a selection of new magnifying glass icons: magnifying-glass-waveform, magnifying-glass-play, and magnifying-glass-music. The latter was commissioned by Undeco.

Flipped out on new reflect-horizontal and reflect-vertical icons.

Added new ticket-based icons: tickets, ticket-perforated, and tickets-perforated.


Updated Facebook, Patreon, Ubuntu, and SUSE logos.

Simplified the "fire" icon modifier in a number of our icons.


Updated all of our "square" brand icons to use a consistent corner radius.

Fixed an issue with a number of our icons that had self-intersecting vector paths, making them more compatible with the Icon Wizard.

Fixed minor issues with our scroll-old, spray-can, and filter-circle-dollar icons.



  • Updated the Ubuntu brand icon.
  • Added "types" to the package.json exports for TypeScript defintions in JS packages.


  • Fixed an issue with the classic light style of the arrow-down-wide-short icon.
  • Fixed issue with the regular styles of the clone and copy icons.
  • Fixed an issue with the hand-spock icon.
  • Fixed an issue where the "heart" in the hand-holding-heart and other "hand/heart" icons where too heavy in the Thin style.
  • Fixed a warning in Edge browser using createElementNS for svg elements.

Introducing Font Awesome Sharp Light!
3,000+ icons in an elegant new style: Sharp Light
Sharp Solid and Sharp Regular are already available for use. Sharp Thin and Sharp Duotone are coming soon!
Icons are all built on the same 16px grid as existing Font Awesome Classic icons.

Unearthed a new dinosaur icon.

Saved the planet with a new bin-recycle icon.

Reduced, reused, and recycled a new jug-bottle icon.

Added to our file collection with new file-doc and file-zip icons.

Added a new gear-complex icon, along with a gear-code icon.

Rounded up a new sponsored grid-round icon and variants.

Exchanged a new sponsored chf-sign icon.

Donned a new sponsored hat-beach icon.

Batch of new sponsored icons, including arrow-progress, bag-seedling, bin-bottles-recycle, calendar-users, chart-line-up-down, chart-mixed-up-circle-currency, circles-overlap, cloud-binary, conveyor-belt-arm, display-chart-up-circle-currency, flask-gear, gear-complex-code, laptop-binary, lightbulb-gear, person-running-fast, right-left-large, and user-group-simple.


Minor adjustments to all icons in the Classic Light, Classic Thin, and Duotone styles for consistency and clarity.

Swapped the placement of the laptop and file in the laptop-file icon.

Updated file-pdf and file-csv to be more legible.

Adjusted all of our newspaper icons.

Adjusted hands-asl-interpreting.

Made our rugby-ball icon look more like a rugby ball.

Updated teamspeak logo with new version.


Fixed a regression in 6.3.0 where a number of icons weren't centered properly in their viewboxes.

Adjusted the copy icon to be consistent across all styles.

Fixed image-landscape in the Sharp Solid style to make it, you know, actually sharp.

Fixed an issue with the interior shape of our "virus" icons.

Fixed fill state of the regular narwhal icon.

Fixed duotone of our gear icon.

Fixed misalignment of the thumbs-down icon in duotone and light.

Fixed an issue where ligature in OTF files weren't working properly for the plus and ampersand icons.

Fixed the light style of the wreath-laurel icon.

Fixed box-archive in regular.

Introducing Font Awesome Sharp Regular!
3,000+ icons in a new, modern style: Sharp Regular
Sharp Solid is already done. Sharp Light, Thin, and Duotone are coming soon!
Icons are all built on the same 16px grid as existing Font Awesome Classic icons.

New sponsored pencil-mechanical icon.

New sponsored billboard icon.

New sponsored wreath-laurel icon.

Calcified a new skeleton-ribs icon.

Saved up for some new circle-euro, circle-sterling, and circle-yen icons.

Added a new webhook icon.

Swept up a new broom-wide icon.

Shined the light on a new sparkle icon.

New circle-quarters-stroke and circle-three-quarters-stroke icons to match the existing circle-half-stroke


Every Classic Regular icon has been reviewed and redrawn where necessary to better compliment the new Sharp Regular style.

Simplified our chess and chess piece icons for consistency.

Updated the Algolia brand icon

Brought back the search terms in the YAML and JSON metadata files


A number of fixes to Sharp Solid icons.
  • Made the dot a little larger on the envelope-dot icon
  • Adjusted all of the flag icons and variations to be better balanced within the icon grid
  • Adjusted all of the cart icons for better consistency and balance
  • Standardized the design of the note-sticky and note icons and variations for consistency
  • Increased sizing of the boxes-stacked icon for better balance with other icons
  • Slightly adjusted the pencil icon to differentiate it more from the pen icon
  • Renamed the child-rifle icon to child-combatant. This icon was added as part of our collaboration with the United Nations.