Fluent Boards Pro - Step into the Future of Project Management

Fluent Boards Pro - Step into the Future of Project Management 1.20 Nulled

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* New: Calendar View
* New: Due Date Reminder (Daily Summary)
* New: Custom Fields
* New: User Profile
* Improvement: Attached labels with Duplicated Boards
* Improvement: Issues In Notification
* Improvement: Comment highlight from a Link/Notification
* Fixed: Subtask Count Issue
* Fixed: Stage Change from More Options
* Fixed: Description Saving Issue on other property changing
* Fixed: User Name/Email not showing in Member Addition
* Fixed: Email Validation Issue in Members
* Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
* New: Convert Task to Subtask
* New: WpEditor in Board Description
* New: Added All Board Report & Individual URL
* Improvement: Enhanced Stage Sort UI/UX
* Improvement: Added Due Days in Fluent Form Integration
* Improvement: UX Improvement in Board Member
* Improvement: UX Improvement in Subtask Add/Edit
* Improvement: Date & Time in Comments & Activities. (on hover)
* Fixed: Broken UI for Longtext in description
* Fixed: Deleting imported Subtask Issue
* Fixed: Board Label Scroll Issue
* Fixed: Issue with Member Invitation Email
* Fixed: Task/Subtask Count while Importing from Trello
* Fixed: Issue with Recently Viewed Boards
* Other Improvement & Bug Fixes