Felan - Freelance Marketplace and Job Board WordPress Theme

Felan - Freelance Marketplace and Job Board WordPress Theme 1.0.8

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[Added] Send files, and images in the chat message system
[Fixed] Error Import Demo
[Fixed] Some CSS and JS
[Update] Send Email and Notification
For Employers: Updates on freelancer actions for projects, services, and job applications, including proposals, disputes, messages, and job applications.
For Freelancers and candidates: Alerts for employer actions on services, jobs, and projects, such as orders, reviews, disputes, and application outcomes.
[Added] Quick Company Creation Feature on the Job Submission Page
[Added] Phone number field in the Sign Up form
[Added] Option to Select Multiple Categories When Posting a Job, Service, or Project
[Improvemented] Salary Filter for Jobs, Services, and Projects
[Fixed] Breadcrumb Error on Single Project Page
[Fixed] Redirect to Sign-In Page for Package Purchase if Not Logged In
[Fixed] Missing POT File for Translation in Loco Translate
[Fixed] Social Login Options Still Appear on Login Page After Disabling Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Access
[Fixed] Option to Hide Cover Image in Project does not work
[Fixed] Delete CV Button does not work
[Fixed] Money Amount Displayed Only Before the Comma
[Fixed] Billing Error for Services and Projects
[Fixed] Approve Function in Employer Project Dashboard does not work
[Fixed] Unable to Click and Open Services and Project Details Page When Single Popup Template is Enabled
[Fixed] Job Archive: Pagination Ajax Malfunction When 'company_id' Is Present in the URL
[Fixed] Email Should Be Sent Only When Admin Activates Package.
[Fixed] When Freelancer Archive Page Has Popup: Employer Sends Message to the Wrong Freelancer
[Fixed] Pay Now Button Disappearing
[Fixed] Incorrect Number of Projects for Company
[Fixed] Payment Service with PayPal: Incorrect Price
[Updated] Enhanced chat and file-sharing features between employers and freelancers after project engagement.
[Updated] Employers can now initiate disputes if they are dissatisfied with ongoing freelance projects.
[Updated] Integrated Razorpay as a payment method for purchasing services and packages.
[Added] Custom fields for projects to enable better project management.
[Added] Social network signup widget with a modern user form built in Elementor.
[Added] Option to hide the "Portfolio" tab in freelancer profiles.
[Improved] Proposal submission process for applying to projects.
[Fixed] Error connect and active Elementor Pro
[Fixed] Resolved messenger notification display errors.
[Fixed] Addressed issue where users could log in while their status was pending with CAPTCHA enabled.
[Fixed] Resolved issue preventing job applications using the popup template.
[Fixed] Corrected styling issues in RTL layouts for single job views.
[Fixed] Resolved issue with CAPTCHA images not displaying in the signup form.
[Fixed] Corrected various English spelling errors.
[Fixed] Improved UI/UX for a more seamless user experience.
[Fixed] Addressed multiple CSS and responsive design issues.