Fat Services Booking - Automated Booking and Online Scheduling

Fat Services Booking - Automated Booking and Online Scheduling 5.6

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessFat Services Booking - Automated Booking and Online Scheduling 5.6 version on NullPro Community. It is rar Extention type and 9.1 MB File size. From Fat Services Booking - Automated Booking and Online Scheduling have 1 Description Attachments, 9 discussion, 9 Updates, 598 Views.
FAT Service Booking is WordPress plugin that provide you an automated booking and online scheduling of your services. It scans calendars for availability and extract free times. You control how customers can book the open time slots. FAT Service is made for large teams with easy control to your service, customer, calendar and your staff. You can track the appointments in calendar view. It provider monthly, weekly, daily and timeline view type for calendar, and can be filtered by employee, location, service or service category.
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9.1 MB
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Latest updates

  1. 5.6 - 03-May-2024
    Fixed conflict modal and dropdown with Bootstrap
  2. 5.5 - 16-Dec-2023
    Fixed install demo data (Need deactive and active plugin again)
  3. 5.4 - 16-Nov-2023
    Fixed can not create category