Event Gallery Extended

Event Gallery Extended 5.3.2

No permission to download

Minor changes​

  • #1332 remove pixel-based icons in the backend. They had been there for 14 years, the usage of an icon font is more modern.
  • #1333 use the lightbox for image is the backend. It is finally possible to click on a thumbnail and see the larger image version in a lightbox.
  • #1343 added a fallback for the case a template has the funny idea of replacing data-title with data-bs-title everywhere, even in places it should keep its fingers from. As a result, even in this case, the title will appear in the lightbox again.

Bug fixes​

  • #1342 The module for the latest event can show the latest images, too. Now it can do this with different layouts without throwing an exeption.
  • #1346 With at least Joomla 5.1 RC2 there was an issue submitting the Event form with a non-english backend.
#1330 updating the documentation for Google Photos
With Event Gallery 5, I'll drop any Joomla 3 support. Event Gallery 4 will continue supporting Joomla 3, but will get only bug-fixes in emergency cases.

Minor Changes​

  • #1158 Allow to limit the maximum size of Flickr images. Right now, it is possible to download the original Flickr image with the download button. The lightbox uses the h-(2048px)-image. Now you can limit the size to the k-(1600px)- or b-(1024px)-image by modifying the config.php-file and create an overload. Please check the manual for details.
  • #1161 allow different ITPC-fields for title and description. This change is available via config.php file only.
  • #1163 EXIF data: the focal length is now shown with its 35mm equivalent if available. Example for a 1.5x crop camera: 30mm (45mm).

Bug Fixes​

  • #1154 Fixes issues with the ISO value in EXIF data written Pentax camera
  • #1155 If a password was entered incorrectly, the message should show up as an error message. Before it was the default success message.
  • #1156 PHP 8.1 // Remove deprecation warning on list of files in the backend
  • PHP 8.1 // removed some deprecation warnings
  • #1157 allow changing the folder name if the change includes only changes in upper/lower case spelling
  • #1162 Unable to save event descriptions if using the Arc-editor and multiple languages. If not all descriptions are filled, nothing was saved.