eShop Web - eCommerce Single Vendor Website | eCommerce Store Website

Nulled eShop Web - eCommerce Single Vendor Website | eCommerce Store Website 4.3.0 Nulled

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Author nullprotemp
Creation date
+ [Updated] - updated firebase cloud notifications from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
+ [Updated] - Updated theme
+ [updated] - Improvement in web mobile view
+ [updated] - Code optimization and improvement in loading speed
- [Improved] - Minor bugs have been resolved.
+ [Added] Dynamic option to choose the deliverability checking either via city or zipcode
+ [Added] Dynamic SMS gateway setting to configure any third-party SMS gateway API and added an option to send custom SMSs with preference to set.
+ [Improved] Custom notifications.
+ [improvement] Made whole Compatible with PHP version 8.3
+ [improvement] Added an option to set the price decimal dynamically
+ [improvement] Improvement in price total issues
+ [improvement] improvement in authentication
+ [improvement] improvement in Google authentication
+ [Fixed] Bugs fixes and code improvements
+ [Introduced] - Introduced chat feature in customer web interface for direct communication with administrators and system users, enhancing user experience and customer support.
+ [Introduced] introduced Whats App ordering, enabling convenient product purchases via the popular messaging platform
+ Implement Implemented reordering feature, enabling users to easily reorder previously placed orders with minimal effort.
[Resolve] Resolved various bugs and issues to improve overall system stability and performance.
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Reactions: arabtc
+ [Improved] Improvements & Bug fixes
+ [Added] Instamojo Payment Gateway.
+ [Added] phonepe integration.
+ Admin panel UI theme improvements.

Included 4.0.5 & Nulled Version update files
+ [Added] New Theme called "Modern" for frontend
+ [Improved] Improvements & Bug fixes
+ [Added] Notification service without login
+ [Added] Driving license for delivery boy
+ [Upgraded] JWT token authentication system
+ [Upgraded] Order Return Flow
+ [Improve ] Small bugs resolved
+ [Added] Social Login (Google, Apple)
+ [Updated] Admin Panel Template
+ [Added] Delete Account
+ [Added] Edit product review
+ [Added] Customer Support
+ [Added] Wallet refill and Withdraw money
+ [Added] Product sharing option
+ [Added] Popup offers
+ [Added] Promo code for specific users
+ [Fix] Improvements & bug fixes