EngageBox Pro

EngageBox Pro 6.3.2

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EngageBox 6.3.2​

Released on: Thursday, 06 June 2024 10:18
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Enhanced Accessibility: Trap Focus, Auto-Focus, Return Focus and Close by ESC Key.
Fixed PHP 8.2+ deprecation warnings thrown on install and when popup is shown.
Fixed issue with inheriting height value on tablet and mobile devices.
Improved code editing in the Custom JS/CSS, PHP Scripts, PHP Condition and Run Javascript Action options with Codemirror.
Updated Page Slide mode to no longer auto-scroll to the top of the page.

EngageBox 6.3.1​

Released on: Wednesday, 06 March 2024 19:55
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Adds the --HtmlSpecialChars Smart Tag modifier.
Fix: Conditional Content Shortcode may incorrectly parse script tags.
Fix PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings.

EngageBox 6.3.0​

Released on: Tuesday, 06 February 2024 02:00
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Joomla 5 Native Support.
Implements the Conditional Content Shortcode.
Implements Smart Tags modifiers: prepareContent, shortNumber
Custom Code option renamed to Custom JavaScript and now accepts only scripts.
Fix: Homepage Condition does not work.
Fix: The Menu Condition may fail if the "Also on child items" option is enabled.

EngageBox 6.2.2​

Released on: Wednesday, 10 January 2024 12:17
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Fix: Call to undefined method EngageBox\Box::replaceSmartTags.

EngageBox 6.1.5​

Released on: Monday, 08 January 2024 10:35
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Fix: PHP Error "Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in Box.php"
Fix: Spanish translation would break the popup editor.
EngageBox 6.1.4
Released on: Tuesday, 05 December 2023 11:59
Maturity: Stable
Release Notes
Fix: On-click popup may not trigger due to an invalid CSS Selector.
Fix: Floating Button does not trigger the popup immediately.
Fix: Box duplication is not working in Joomla 5.
Fix: PHP Error "Detection\MobileDetect::__construct(): Argument #2 ($config) must be of type array, null given"

EngageBox 6.1.3​

Released on: Monday, 06 November 2023 12:55
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Fix: PHP 8 warnings.
Fix: Very tall popup with margin bottom exceeds the parent boundaries.
Fix: Prevent Page Scrolling option causes the page to scroll to the top when the popup appears.
Fix: Spanish translation would break the popup editor.

Maturity: Stable​

Released on: Tuesday, 03 October 2023 03:00

- Added Conditions for VirtueMart & HikaShop: Purchased Product, Last Purchased Date, Total Spend.
- Added Conditions for VirtueMart & HikaShop: Current Product Price, Current Product Stock, Category.
- Implements the Convert Forms - Form Condition.
- Fix: Convert Forms - Campaign wouldn't show the popup as expected.
- Fix: ARIA dialog should have an accessible name.
- Fix: Templates Library items wouldn't appear correctly on Safari under certain circumstances.

EngageBox 6.1.1​

Released on: Friday, 01 September 2023 11:53
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

Fix: Table #__rstbox has the wrong type or attributes for column 'position' with varchar(30).
Fix: PHP error that'd appear when editing a popup caused by the media field not accepting null value in some certain circumstances.
Fix: Error Code: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW), expecting ',' or ')'.

EngageBox 6.1.0​

Released on: Wednesday, 09 August 2023 20:28
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes​

All Design settings can now be configured on a per-device (desktop, tablet, mobile) basis.
Moved the Popup Position setting to the Design tab.
Fix: The geolocation library may conflict with other extensions resulting in a fatal error.