Embed Google My Business Reviews Module

Embed Google My Business Reviews Module 2.5.9

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessEmbed Google My Business Reviews Module 2.5.9 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 2.6 MB File size. From Embed Google My Business Reviews Module have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 498 Views.

With this module you can embed the five most valuable (it depends on Google behavior) reviews from your Google My Business account.
Just activate a valid Google API key, and then search for the Google Place ID of your business on Google My Business.

What this module does for you

insert_chart Provide customers reinsurance

You can increase your potential customers trust by showing them the five most valuable reviews from your Google My Business account left by those who have already bought your products.

What your customers will like

Customers can see what other people think of your e-commerce and trust you.


After the installation it is sufficient to create a valid Google API Key:

and enter a valid Google Place ID:

to embed your five most valuable reviews on Google My Business.
Extention type
File size
2.6 MB
First release
Last update
Ratings 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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