Element Pack - Premiums Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugins

Element Pack - Premiums Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugins 7.12.16 Nulled

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Author anne
Creation date

- Equal Height extension issue fixed
- RTL issue fixed in Cursor Effect extension (Thanks to MAX)
- Wrapper width control added in comparison list widget
### Added

- Alignment justify option added in accordion widget
- Additional settings controls added in comparison list widget

### Fixed

- FAQ Schema issue fixed in Accordion widget
- Read more button rtl issue fixed in interactive card widget
- Arrow color issue fixed in Mega Menu widget (Thanks to Nick)
- Link target issue fixed in Portfolio widgets (Thanks to Luis Alfredo Hernandez)
- Tag printing on output issue fixed in Table widgets (Thanks to Nick)

- Mega menu save button issue fixed
- Container issue fixed in switcher widget (Thanks to Naeem)
- API Settings problem fixed (Thanks to Stan Robin)
- Error fixed in WC Element widget (Thanks to Zbynek Krobot)
- Marker icon issue fixed in Open Street Map widget
- ACF widgets optimized
- Link issue fixed in price list widget
- Undefine variable issue fixed in tabs widget
- PHP Fatal error fixed (Thanks to Alex Lim)
- Ribbon align issue fixed in price table widget (Thanks to Naeem)

- Link issue fixed in Custom Carousel (Thanks to Dartym)

- Templates Library issue fixed
### Added

- ACF Tabs widget added
- ACF List widget added

### Fixed

- JS eror fixed on Horizontal Scroller widget (Thanks to Emir Corovic)
- CSS issue fixed on Circle Info widget (Thanks to Jones)
- SVG image widget issue fixed (Thanks to Maximilien LELEU)
- Icon align and space in hamburger issue fixed on Mega Menu widget (Thanks to John)

### Updated

- Admin dashboard design improved
- Security issue fixed
- Ajax query terms issue fixed in Search Widget
- Image overflow issue fixed in Scroll Image widget (Thanks to Angelique Norman)
- Load more duplicate items issue fixed in post grid widget
- Translate issue fixed
- Uikit CSS 404 error fixed

- UIKit framework updated

- ACF slider widget added

### Fixed

- Video cover issue fixed in device slider widget
- jQuery dependency fixed in Slinky Vertical Menu widget (Thanks to William Dias Morais)
- Image height issue fixed in slideshow widget
- Category accents issue fixed in Portfolio type all widget (Thanks to Mullo Alfredo)
- Simple Contact form issue fixed
- Lightbox autoplay issue fixed