eClassify - Classified Buy and Sell Marketplace Flutter App with Laravel Admin Panel

Nulled eClassify - Classified Buy and Sell Marketplace Flutter App with Laravel Admin Panel 2.4.0 Nulled

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+ [Added] Premium & Featured ads with expiry date in admin panel
+ [Added] Auto Approve toggle globally in settings
+ [Added] FlutterWave payment integration
+ [Added] Separate login options for Email & Mobile in website
+ [Added] Renew item with rejection handling with soft and permanent rejection
+ [Added] Ad filters: Soft Reject & Permanent Reject in my ads list screen
+ [Improvement] Phonepe payment integration with SDK in app
+ [Improvement] Ad management & sorting updates in admin panel
+ [Improvement] Allow changing parent category of category in admin panel
+ [Improvement] Improve the appearance of the main company logo in the header for better visual appeal in website
+ [Added] Free AD Listing Option
+ [Added] Range Radius in Featured Section
+ [Added] Min and max Range for Radius wise Searching
+ [Added] Unread messages indicator
+ [Added] Show Google Ads in between items on home page infinite scroll (App)
+ [Added] Auto Approval Ad Toggle for each Sellers – (Admin)
+ [Added] Currency symbol Position

+ [Improvement] Number with Suffix
+ [Improvement] SEO Optimisation
+ [Improvement] Ads Details page full description Issue in desktop
+ [Improvement] Set default active Seller tab in Chat
+ [Improvement] Admin Panel Settings Page improvements (Admin)
+ [Improvement] All country Filter Selection in Ads Page
+ [Improvement] Custom Field value filter in Item Page

+ [Fix] Fix my Ads Page filter
+ [Fix] Rating Average issue
+ [Fix] Tips Rank order change issue
+ [Added] Phonepe Payment Gateway Integration
+ [Added] Renew Item
+ [Added] Authentication enable/disable
+ [Added] Seller rating list display
+ [Added] Rating Report
+ [Improvement] Offer notification redirection in chat item
+ [Improvement] Deeplink share
+ [Improvement] Filter tree category fix in admin panel
+ [Improvement] Language translation new label improvement
+ [Improvement] Improve Watermark image
+ [Improvement] Make contact Number as optional in Registration
+ [Improvement] Send Notification on Seller Verification Request Status change
+ [Improvement] Infinity scroll remove and add load more in web home page
+ [Improvement] Product detail page image should show full and with next and prev
+ [Improvement] Change in the Filter tree flow
+ [Improvement] All category name-wise items in app
+ [Improvement] Pagination added in chat list and chat messages
+ [Added] Nearby Ads with KM Range
+ [Added] Option to Hide/Show Personal Details of Seller
+ [Added] Activate free package for only one time
+ [Added] Watermark on Images
+ [Added] Native Ads
+ [Added] Auto Generate Slug
+ [Added] Seller Profile and Ratings
+ [Improvement] Paystack Mobile Money
+ [Improvement] Featured Subscription plan UI Change
+ [Added] Filter to Only Country , State and City
+ [Added] Category and custom field-wise filter
+ [Added] Allow users to chat without making an offer
+ [Added] User verification
+ [Added] Add dynamic SEO to the website
+ [Improvement] Improve home page access flow (without location static pages should be accessible)
+ [Improvement] ERROR messages in location and auth in web
+ [Improvement] Ad Expiry days in Package
+ [Improvement] Send Notification on Make Offer
+ [Improvement] Category View UI changes
+ [Improvement] Dashboard improvement in admin panel
+ [Improvement] Language menu UX Improvement
+ [Added] Default lat and long set if location is not selected
+ [Added] Web Version
+ [Improvement] Multi-Device Notification Support (App & Web)
+ [Improvement] Recursive Category Fetching using Mysql 8 CTE functions (Admin Panel & API)
+ [Fix] Company Name change (Admin Panel)
+ [Fix] Other Known Issues
+ [Added] Blog management (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Razorpay Payment Gateway (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Paystack Payment Gateway (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Custom Country , State , City , Area management instead of place API from google (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Assign Package to Customer using Cash & Cheque (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] FAQ management - (Admin Panel)
+ [Added] Category Option added in Slider (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Improvement] Multilingual Category names (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Improvement] System Settings & Languages added in Caching for better speed - (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Rejected item reason message in Admin panel - (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Custom Field Search Functionality - (App)
+ [Improvement] Slug in Category (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Slug in Item (App)
+ [Improvement] Delete Item button (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Single account login even if user is login through (Email , Phone , Google) (APP)
+ [Improvement] User & Item Active / Inactive options (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Flutter version compatibility upgraded to 3.22.1 (App)
- [Fix] FCM Notification up-gradation (Admin Panel)
- [Fix] Other known bug fixes (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Block User Functionality (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] User Safety Tips (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Admob Settings (Admin Panel)
+ [Added] Video link functionality (App)
- [Fix] User Signup issue when login using Phone Number (API)
+ [Improvement] Package Pricing Calculation & UI (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Default logo added for English Language (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Reported Ads Functionality (App)