Easy Digital Downloads Frontend Submissions Addon

Easy Digital Downloads Frontend Submissions Addon 2.8.1

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Frontend Submissions provides a full-featured package to turn your Easy Digital Downloads powered we
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Easy Digital Downloads Frontend Submissions Addon 2.8.1 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 585.5 KB File size. From Easy Digital Downloads Frontend Submissions Addon have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 1 Updates, 176 Views.

Frontend Submissions provides a full-featured package to turn your Easy Digital Downloads powered website into a complete multi-vendor marketplace.

Vendor dashboard
With Frontend Submissions, users can register to become a vendor from the frontend and then, once approved, have complete access to their vendor dashboard. From the dashboard, vendors can create new products, update existing products, view orders, access earnings stats, communicate with customers, and edit their account details.

All great marketplaces include thorough review processes to ensure vendors and products on the site are high quality. To assist in keeping your marketplace full of top quality vendors and products, Frontend Submissions includes complete review processes for new vendor registration and product submissions.

To help site administrators stay aware of new product submissions and vendor registrations, Frontend Submissions includes complete email notification options. Emails can be sent when products are submitted, products are updated, vendors register, commissions are earned, and more. Each email can be configured separately to include exactly the information you want.
Extention type
File size
585.5 KB
First release
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2.8.1 - changelog
* Improvement: Vendor caching has been improved to ensure that cached values are cleared...

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