Dynamic Content for Elementor

Dynamic Content for Elementor 3.2.6 Nulled

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* Tweak: Signature Field for Elementor Pro Form, added alignment control
* Tweak: ACF Repeater widget, added a new setting to choose the image size for the subfield image
* Fix: ACF Repeater widget, correct retrieval of subfields when a repeater is nested inside a group. If you had this bug, you must select the subfield again
* Fix: ACF Repeater widget, fixed row data retrieval in Dynamic HTML mode and “Accordion Heading” when the repeater is nested or used in a Flexible Content
* Minor fixes
* Fix: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form, dynamic shortcodes were not expanded inside bodies using Elementor Templates
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, carousel skin, control to choose whether to center slides when they are insufficient was not working in some cases
* Fix: PDF Viewer widget, the download button didn’t work correctly
* Fix: “Prevent Marker Overlapping” to search_filter query
* Fix: resolved a conflict with the Relevanssi plugin that was interfering with search functionality in the Dynamic Posts and Search Results widgets, causing no results to be displayed
* Fix: Tooltip extension, the “Touch Devices” setting was not working
* Minor fixes
* Fix: Animated Off Canvas Menu, menu opened on page load when animation times settings set to zero
* Fix: ACF Repeater, Accordion was not working in some cases
* Notice: from the end of February 2025 required Elementor version will be >= v3.21.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro >= v3.21.0
* Tweak: ACF Repeater widget, now it dequeues scripts based on the skin selected
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps widget, added an option to offset markers with the same position to make them all visible
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, carousel skin, added a new control to choose whether to centre slides when they are insufficient
* Fix: 360 Slider did not display images correctly in some cases
* Fix: Animated Off-Canvas Menu widget, links didn’t work after the last update
* Minor fixes
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor >= v3.19.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro >= v3.19.0
* Notice: SVG Morphing widget, Polyline shape is removed. You can use only path shape
* Notice: 3D and Grid to Fullscreen 3D skin are deprecated, they will not appear as an option but they will continue to work if already selected
* Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor 3.27
* Tweak: changed library for Crossroads Slideshow skin, improving performance while adapting most of the previous features
* Fix: our settings did not correctly retrieve the ACF fields within the groups
* Fix: PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form, HTML Converter using an Elementor template: Dynamic Shortcode were not working
* Fix: Checking for the plugin updates was not working in some cases
* Fix: ACF Repeater widget, Typography for heading title in accordion skin didn’t work correctly
* Minor fixes
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility is now compatible with Elementor’s Element caching feature
* Minor fixes
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps widget, InfoWindow didn’t close when template was active
* Fix: Open Street Maps widgets disappearing in some contexts
* Fix: some ACF fields were not correctly selectable in the settings of some widgets
* Minor fixes
* Notice: from the end of December 2024 required Elementor version will be >= v3.19.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro >= v3.19.0
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility, removed icon from the Elementor Navigator to avoid confusion
* Fix: ACF Gallery, ACF Sliders and Pods Gallery widgets didn’t show the images correctly for visitors after version 3.1.3
* Fix: Solved Fatal Error in FileBrowser widget
* Minor fixes
* Notice: Required Elementor version is now v3.17.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro v3.17.0
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, added “Retrieve field from” setting for ACF Repeater and ACF Relationship
* Fix: Copy to Clipboard, animations didn’t work when used
* Fix: Notice about textdomain being loaded too early in WordPress 6.7
* Fix: Signature Field for Elementor Pro form, the signed field could incorrectly be reported as empty in some cases with multi-step forms
* Minor Fixes
Fix: Dynamic OpenStreetMap, JS errors in some situations