DRMS SaaS - Digital Record Management System

Tested DRMS SaaS - Digital Record Management System 1.9

No permission to download
* UI Improvement
* Dynamic Landing Page CMS
* Pricing Features Enabled/Disabled
* 2-Factors Authentication
* Impersonate Features
* Fixed Small Bugs
UI Improvement
Dynamic Landing Page CMS
Pricing Features Enabled/Disabled
2-Factors Authentication
Impersonate Features
* Added Email notification enable/sisable option.
* Added Owner account email verification enable/disable option.
* Added Email notification template
* Added Flutterwave payment gateway integration in subscription packages.
* Fixed small issues.
* Added theme multicolor with custom color picker
* Small improvement in theme design layout.
no change log for this version
Added New Payment Gateway like Bank Transfer & PayPal
* Small improvement in sidebar
* Landing page & Register Page Enable/Disable Option
* Added Google Recaptcha
* Added SEO Settings
* Added Subscription Coupon Modules
* Code Optimization
* Added More Language