New Feature & Fixing (Backend)
Parcel Limit: Admin can limit the acceptance of parcel delivery requests for drivers.
Parcel Weight Unit: Implemented several weight units which can be used for all weight measurements. Also, Admin can limit the parcel weight for customers.
New Vehicle Request: Admin can view, edit, approve or deny new vehicle registration requests from drivers.
Update Vehicle Request: Admin can view, edit, approve or deny vehicle information update requests from drivers.
Recaptcha v3 implemented.
Track real-time driver locations in Fleet View as they move on the map.
Improved user experience in the Chatting section.
Unauthorized menu items are now hidden from sidebars.
Enhanced UI/UX for the Employee section.
Improved sliding image interface and user experience.
New Feature & Fixing (Front End)
User App :
UI Design Enhancements: Improved the overall look and feel of the user interface.
Bug Fixes: Resolved multiple issues to boost performance and stability.
Parcel Weight Restriction: Admins can set parcel weight limits, preventing users from sending overweight parcels.
Signup Page: Improved design and better handling of required fields.
Permanent Delete: Simplified and improved user experience.
Driver App :
Multiple Parcels: Drivers can accept multiple parcel requests. Admin can set the limit for how many requests each driver can handle.
UI Design Enhancements: Improved the overall look and feel of the user interface.
Issue Fixes: Fixed various issues to improve performance and stability.
Parcel Weight Warning: Drivers receive a warning if they exceed their parcel weight capacity, but they can still accept overweight parcels.
New Vehicle Requests: Admin can view, edit, approve, or deny new vehicle registration requests from drivers.
Vehicle Update Requests: Admin approval is required when drivers update vehicle information. Admin can view, edit, approve, or deny these requests.
Signup Page: Improved UI design and better handling of required fields.
Permanent Delete: Enhanced user experience for the delete process.
Location Permission: Improved user experience for location access.
Dashboard: Improved overall user experience for better usability.
Add Vehicle Screen: Enhanced UX with required fields clearly highlighted.
Sliding Images: Improved UI and user experience for image transitions.
DriveMond Version: 2.2
Laravel Version: 10.48.12
PHP Version: 8.2
Flutter Version: 3.27.0 And Upper
Android Studio Version: Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Patch 2
Xcode Version: 16.1
New Feature & Fixing (Backend)
Driver & User Referral Earning Setup: Implemented referral earning system for drivers and users.
Parcel Cancellation & Return Fee Setup: Added configuration for parcel cancellation fees and return fees.
Parcel Cancellation Reason Setup: Introduced parcel cancellation reason setup for better tracking.
Parcel Return Time & Exceed Fee Setup: Enabled return time setup for parcels with an additional fee for exceeding the return time.
Admin Panel Trip List Filter Implementation: Implemented filters in the trip list for easier management and tracking.
Admin Dashboard Parcel & Trip Earning Display: Enhanced dashboard to show earnings from parcels and trips.
Admin Panel Report Analytics Design Change: Redesigned the report analytics section in the admin panel for a better user experience.
Admin Panel & Landing Page Default Color Palette Change: Updated the default color palette for the admin panel and landing page.
Some Issue Fixing: Resolved various issues for smoother system performance.
New Feature & Fixing (Backend)
Advanced maintenance mode.
Vehicle add & update feature.
Introduce parcel weight capacity option.
Some issue fixing.
New Feature & Fixing (Front End)
User App :
Road traffic indicator.
Advanced maintenance mode.
Rising fare and ride-finding modification.
Voice search feature (find address by voice search).
Last payment method save.
Issue fixing.
Polished UI.
OTP login feature.
Driver App :
Vehicle suggestion based on parcel weight.
Driver can choose his service (like rideshare or parcel delivery).
Road traffic indicator.
Payment receiving screen UI changed.
Issue fixing.
Polished UI.
DriveMond Version: 1.7
Laravel Version: 10.48.12
PHP Version: 8.2
Flutter SDK Version: 3.22.0
New Feature & Fixing (Backend)
Translate all – feature is implemented.
Improved the flow for creating coupons.
Added trip-wise earning & expense tracking with reports analytics.
Enabled customers to create multiple parcel requests during ongoing rides.
Fixed trip list filter issue.
Fixed discount Excel export list issue.
Updated privacy policy and terms and conditions pages issue.
Fixed some translation issues.
Added an option to refresh & find again or cancel the ride when no rider is found for a trip.
Fixed various issues.
New Feature & Fixing (Front End)
User App :
Improved map zoom in and zoom out interaction on vehicle movement for smoother distance adjustment between pickup and destination.
Fixed issue where customers can send both a ride and parcel request simultaneously.
Displayed coupon details in the coupon list.
Improved UI and dark mode.
Added a floating icon on the home page for the bidding list if a bidding request exists.
Fixed various issues.
Driver App :
Improved map zoom in and zoom out interaction on vehicle movement for smoother distance adjustment between pickup and destination.
Driver will get notification when the privacy policy and terms and conditions were updated.
Driver will get notification when the level is upgraded.
Fixed wallet balance transaction history issue.
Improved UI and dark mode.
Fixed various issues.
DriveMond Version: 1.6
Laravel Version: 10.48.12
PHP Version: 8.2
Flutter SDK Version: 3.22.0
New Features (Backend)
Dashboard design improvement and some logic changes.
Level feature is added & related to all design improvements.
Laravel WebSockets alternative Reverb package is replaced.
Driver withdraws feature adjustment and related to all design improvements.
Fixed various issues to improve overall system stability and performance.
New Features (Front End)
User App :
Fixed some issues.
Overall UI design improvement.
Tips flow is added. Users can give tips to drivers.
Loyalty point flow is implemented. Users can collect loyalty points from the admin and convert them to money.
Introduced the “My Level” feature, where users can increase their level and collect rewards.
Improved the design of maps for better usability and aesthetics.
Driver App :
Fixed various issues.
Overall design improvement.
Loyalty Point feature is added. So, drivers can convert Points to money.
Introduced the level feature, enabling drivers to level up and gain rewards.
Payment info setup feature added where the Driver can set up his withdrawal method and collect money from the admin.
Improved the design and flow of the My Wallet section, including the addition of a new Income Statement tab.
Enhanced map design for better usability and aesthetics.
Improved the design of the trips history chart and added a filtering option for today’s trips.
DriveMond Version: 1.5
Laravel Version: 10
PHP Version: 8.1+
Flutter SDK Version: 3.22.0