Divi Theme - universal template for WordPress

Divi Theme - universal template for WordPress 4.26.0

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- Improved Presets storage and performance.
- Fixed issue where you could not remove or restore items from Local VB Library.
- Fixed server errors when uploading items to the Cloud Server in some cases.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurred on GoDaddy websites due to a change in the GD System plugin's cache class.
- Fixed issue where presets where not importing when tb library item is duplicated from cloud to local.
- Fixed divider view always being 100% in phone view in VB.
- Fixed issue with image border styles in Blog module images that were not applying properly in some cases.
- Fixed bug where backup exists popup shows every time when opening Theme Builder.
- Fixed Replace Existing Content option in Layouts Library.
- Fixed server error when deleting items too quickly from Divi Cloud.
- Fixed issue where the code snippet library was not closing on ESC keyboard shortcut.
- Fixed JS error that occurs on saving empty content to the cloud from code snippet editor modal.
* core/code-snippets/app/store/code-snippets-library/sequences.js
* core/code-snippets/app/store/edit/sequences.js
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-google-fonts-feature.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder-library.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
- Fixed the issue when user cannot drag and drop files into Code Snippets Import Modal in some cases.
- Fixed the issue when user could exceed the free items limit on the Cloud during bulk upload.
- Show disabled cursor on save snippet button when save action is not allowed.
- Introduced new filters 'et_builder_google_fonts_is_enabled', 'et_builder_google_fonts_fetch_url' and 'et_builder_google_fonts_fetch' to manage Google Fonts.
- Hardened divi cloud library visual builder security checks.
- Fixed content contains HTML image tag is not rendered on the front end.
- Fixed js error which may potentially appear in console.log when Snippets screenshot is updating.
- Fixed clearing trash that gets stuck for Divi cloud library items.
- Improved Edit Tags And Categories label by replacing "And" with "&".
- Fixed blank sceen from showing when the Cloud login modal is closed.
- Added Cancel button to the Save To Library modal.
- Fixed misaligned label in Code Snippets Portability modal.
- Added line break when appending code from Snippets Library.
- Fixed unwanted back button after logging into the Cloud from Code Snippets Library.
- Fixed Code Snippets portability modal title.
- Added spinner when preloading code snippets on details page.
- Fixed Global Colors exporting from the Divi Library page.
- Fixed PHP Fatal error when trying to activate Divi Builder plugin with Divi theme at the same time.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with WordPress 6.1 that may cause the performance to degrade in some cases when various languages were used.
- Added Divi Code Snippets Library with Divi Cloud support.
- Fixed issue with Theme Builder templates not working when The Events Calendar plugin is active.
- Fixed Global Colors import and export in Theme Builder.
- Introduced confirmation modal before user clear Divi Layout block content.
- Fixed errors on Divi Layout block when opening Site Editor page.
- VB Video Module Refused to Connect is Fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the settings field mini modal where the max height was not calculated correctly.
- Fixed a bug where default position on sections using section divider(s) was set to static instead of relative.
- Added Cart Quantity option to the Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules.
- Added compatibility with the YITH WooCommerce Discounts & Pricing plugin.
- Enables copy/paste style via right-click and keyboard shortcuts in edit preset mode.
- Fixed issue in theme builder where error message modal appears after importing template or set.
- Removed unsupported Help button from Import Templates modal.
- Fixed padding not removed from Login module without background.
- Updated Divi Builder translation strings.
- Introduced new filter to override Product Tour status from the client side.
- Fixed audio module's progress handle being white when text is dark.
- Fixed video module being unable to retrieve thumbnail from domain-restricted vimeo videos.
- Fixed disappeared Split Testing module when switching between subjects via next or prev buttons.
- Fixed PHP error regarding incorrect use of trim function.
- Introduced processed shortcode as second parameter of et_required_module_assets filter.
- Fixed borders to show up on Sections that have borders of 1 or 2px as well as Dividers on them.
- Fixed issue where dropdown menu reappears after it closes if we move the cursor back to the coordinate where submenu was showing previously.
- Fixed issue where sticky columns shrink sometimes if Equalize Column Heights option enabled.
- Fixed a bug in Video Slider module which was causing video to disappear in some cases.
- Fixed Download backup option in Import Templates modal for Cloud items.
- Adding context menu with new actions to Existing pages tab.
- Fixed incorrect position after scrolling to anchor if header has fixed sections with negative top offset.
- Fixed a bug that occurred in the Visual Builder (Extra only) where users were unable to drag & drop modules when the Post Content module was used in the Body area.
- Fixed missing margin for social media follow module last icon in RTL.
- Fixed anchor scroll position in Chrome browser when navigating from different pages.
- Added functionality to select a range of saved items on Shift + Click in the Divi Library modal.
- Video Slider Module Tests are updated.
- Fixed MailPoet subscribers not being added to lists when a Form has required custom fileds .
- Updated Google Fonts list.
- Introduced Private App Access Token as API Key replacement for HubSpot authentication.
- Fixed a PHP error that may occur in some cases when responsive images are used.
- Added new filter hook for WP_Filesystem connection arguments.
- Improved i18n translations to better handle some special keywords from being translated.
- Fixed Email Optin type error with Convertkit when PHP 8 is in use.
- Fixed custom color scheme overriding bar counter color.
- Fixed Customizer preview for Secondary Menu background color not working.
- Fixed menu module dropdown items not aligning to the right.
Download Elegant Themes Divi v4.17.4 WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v4.17.4 ( updated 05-12-2022 )

- Fixed PHP 8 warning for Specialty Column Section Background Settings on Frontend for some cases.
- Fixed Body Line Height option affects the Menu Module icons.
- iFrame from custom field is now allowed to be embedded as Dynamic Content.
- Fixed issue when 3P modules have custom selector for background hover, it's no longer worked and inherited main selector instead with :hover suffix.
- Fixed Import Presets checkbox when importing items to local library using Cloud App.
- Fixed warning MaxListenersExceededWarning printed in the console when opening global color setting field.
- Fixed social media module sticky margin overridden by desktop value.
- Fixed the title, description and the label name that possibly causes confusion when saving Section / Row / Module / Layout.
- Fixed background video not properly showing up on hover.
- Fixed a z-index ordering conflict between video backgrounds and section dividers.
- Fixed menu overflow issue in header with video background.
- Updated React Tooltip NPM package to the latest version.
- Fixed a bug which caused rendering the wrong CSS for image size on front end in some cases.
- Fixed a bug in BarCounter module to show percentage properly in VB.
- Added missing placeholder SVGs on Theme Builder.
- Removed unneeded help button from Save to Library Modal in some cases.
- Fixed migration of background gradient settings for Specialty Section columns.
- Exposed animation functionalities for third-party extensions.
- Fixed checkout module being unable to process the checkout request when "Ship to different address ?" is selected.
- Fixed issue where a Shop page built with Divi Builder could have some Woo Module styles broken on Front End.
- Fixed duplicate styles tag injected into VB builder HTML head element.
- Fix recently broken backwards compatibility in includes/builder/feature/Library.php.
- Fixed module count label when no results found in Divi Library, rather than "0 Module" it will display "No Results".
- Fixed Premade Items disappearing when logging out from Divi Cloud.
- Fixed Divi Library items list rendering in WP Admin.
- Fixed PHP error when exporting some layouts from Divi Library.
- Fixed Global Colors exporting when item is exported from the Divi Library.
- Added 'Update URI' plugin header check that can be used by 3rd party developers to avoid update conflicts with plugins sold on the Marketplace and the ones sold on the developer's website.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occured when installing themes on older versions of WordPress (5.4.10 or older).
- Added Template Editor support on Divi and Extra themes.
- Fixed a bug that caused the email icon to be displayed on the top bar (default header) when no value was set for the email field in some cases.
* cloud/cloud-app.php
* core/admin/js/portability.js
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/components/Updates.php
* core/functions.php
* functions.php
* header.php
* includes/block-editor-integration.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/compat/woocommerce.php
* includes/builder/feature/Library.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/BlockTemplates.php
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/blocks/Layout.php
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/utils/Editor.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/Background.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/StickyOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/BackgroundGradientStops.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/scripts.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/woocommerce-modules.js
* theme-header.php
* theme.json
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Reactions: sowgenius
- Fixed premade items caching.
- Fixed free items calculation in the Divi Cloud App.
* cloud/build/et-cloud-app.bundle.js
Download Elegant Themes Divi v4.17.1 WordPress Theme Nulled Free
version 4.17.1 ( updated 04-14-2022 )

- Fixed conflict with Events Manager plugin.
- Fixed a bug in the background gradients migration script that prevented inherited settings from fully migrating to the new Gradient Builder format.
- Fixed a bug in Counter Module that caused the background image to repeat with default settings on the front end.
- Fixes an issue where the semicolon was not included after the important property on some form fields on focus.
- Fixed issue were changing the zip code wasn't updating the shipping method for the given zip code.
- Fixed an issue which caused background pattern/mask to not show up properly when parallax image is used for column backgrounds on the front end.
- Fixed a text string conversion that could cause a fatal error in PHP 8.0 or later.
- Fixed Divi Cloud App conflict with 3rd party plugins in some cases.
- Fixed infinity resize event when FW Header fullscreen exists and the module scripts are reinitiated.
- Fixed numeric input increment step value is incorrect when shift key is released before any other key.
version 4.15.1 ( updated 03-18-2022 )
- Fixed a PHP error in Extra Theme which was caused by Background Settings helper class.
- Updated Image Position option to show for all image repeat options in Background Settings.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Button Background Settings to not render properly on front end.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/Background.php
version 4.14.9 ( updated 03-10-2022 )
- Fixed a compatibility issue with WP Offload Media where one of the plugin's methods was renamed causing a fatal error in our products.
- Exposed hasValue helper for third-party extensions.
- Fixed search module input placeholder hidden with field text alignment set to right.
- Fixed a bug which were causing Background Settings on Responsive mode to not display properly on some cases.
- PHP 7.4 or higher is now recommended for performance and security reasons. Divi Help & Support Center's System Status card has been updated to reflect this.
- Fixed Presets pop-up window overflow issue when items exceeded viewport height.
- Changed 'Improve Google Fonts Loading' and 'Limit Google Fonts Support For Legacy Browsers' options default to 'off'.
- Fixed Woo Rating module letter spacing.
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* dashboard/includes/options.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/search.js
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/blocks/Layout.php
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/utils/Editor.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/CheckoutBilling.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/scripts.js