Defender Pro

Defender Pro 4.7.4

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Creation date
- Fix: Hide Expert Services when Whitelabel is enabled
- Fix: Broken Access Control vulnerability on the Configs page
- Enhance: Option to reset Locations on the IP Banning page
- Enhance: Removed unnecessary login filters on Mask Login to enhance security
- Enhance: Show loading icon with message when clicking pagination buttons on Firewall logs
- Enhance: Change the final text for the WP CLI command to remove log files older than a week
- Enhance: Added malware signature to detect fake Core Fork plugin enhancing site security
- Enhance: Email design improvement for 2FA code
- Enhance: Show loading icon only for the current button
- Enhance: Updated malware signatures to detect different infected files improving overall security
- Enhance: Add WP CLI to clear the MaxMind license key
- Fix: Custom logo overlaps on Malware Scanning progress bar
- Fix: Update Calotes\DB\Mapper::save() to handle integers correctly
- Fix: Google reCAPTCHA bypassed using auto-fill on the Login page
- Fix: Google reCAPTCHA v2 invisible not working with the Ship to a different address option in the WooCommerce plugin
- Fix: Suspicious files are not detected in the plugin folder when Scan plugin files are enabled
- Fix: Notification displayed twice on the Notifications page in the free version
- Fix: Mask Login URL isn't working when it is a Plain permalink structure
- Fix: WordPress sends an error email with the Mask_Login::filter_site_url method
- Fix: Update Support links
- Fix: UI Improvements
- Fix: Bulk delete issues fail when files have non-edit permissions
- Fix: Calendar displayed in blue when High contrast mode is enabled
- Fix: Ban/unban IP from Firewall Logs not reflected on the IP Banning Tab
- Fix: Mask URL is not working on the default WP recovery email when a site goes down
- Enhance: Create a dropdown for Trusted Proxy Preset
- Enhance: Add .well-known to scan allowlist
- Fix: Undefined array key 'path' after update
- Fix: Fix Validation gets bypassed in Google reCAPTCHA
- Fix: Add malware signature
- Fix: Unlock time overlaps with the Defender logo in the footer
- New: Introducing the "Unlock Me" feature to unblock admin on lockout
- Fix: False positive with BuddyBoss plugin on Malware scan
- Fix: Undefined variable in two-fa.php
- Enhance: Improve IP detection with auto-detection for Cloudflare and notices for proxy configurations
- Enhance: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5
- Enhance: Replace the old Twitter logo with the new logo in emails
- Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8.3
- Enhance: Improve white-labeled emails
- Enhance: Redesign Quarantine page
- Fix: Scanning Issues when suspicious files are in the plugins folder and don't have plugin headers
- Fix: Remove redundant table creation conditional guard clause
- Fix: Rules for Defender > 2FA > Woocommerce are not overwritten over time
- Fix: Scan flagging "All in one security" files as suspicious
- Fix: Defender Google reCAPTCHA does not work with WooCommerce Gutenberg Checkout block
- Fix: Masked Login not working after registration
Enhance: Recommended IP Detection method with improved accuracy, site security, and harder-to-bypass IP banning
- Enhance: UI Enhancements
- Enhance: Adjust the size of the summary box logo
- Enhance: Update the Twitter name and logo
- Enhance: Update SUI to the latest version
- Fix: Update malware signatures
- Fix: PHP warning after activating Defender Security Headers
- Fix: Remove Translation Link when the Whitelabel Hide Links option is enabled