[DBTech] DragonByte Credits

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits 5.9.0

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* **Feature:** Pay to unlock threads *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Page to see unlocked content *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Expiring credits *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Add support for cookie consent for payment profiles *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Add warning when deleting events that have been used in transactions *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Refactored backend code *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2 *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Standardise payment profile display in the front-end to match XF's Account Upgrades *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Payment profile selection in the AdminCP now uses checkboxes *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** Fix potential server errors like "Attempt to read property 'node_id' on null" *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** Fix compatibility issue with XenForo 2.2.11 and older *2024-04-04*
* **Fix:** Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility issue *2024-04-04*
Update highlights

This version fixes an issue where during certain background tasks, a server error could appear and the task would be stuck.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix server error with certain background tasks
Fix: Fix server error when creating a new Purchase event
Update highlights

This version fixes issues with various event triggers not respecting the "Frequency" event settings.

Complete Change Log

Fix:* The Daily, Interest, Taxation, Paycheck and Birthday events did not respect the "Frequency" related event settings
Update highlights

This version fixes various issues reported by the community.

Complete Change Log

Fix: The currency setting "Maximum Earned" did not work as intended
Fix: Internal change to fix a developer-only issue
Fix: Fix missing phrase in Approval Queue
This version implements the ability to disable the richest users' amounts in the overlay and widgets, as well as fixing a reported bug.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Per-currency option to disable richest users' amounts in overlay
Feature: Disable richest users' amounts in widget
Fix: Fix potential server error when merging posts
* **Fix:** The Daily Activity event would not properly trigger while in a cron job *2022-05-23*
#### v5.7.7

* **Fix:** Fix an issue where the "Show to self and designated user groups" currency privacy setting did not apply correctly *2022-03-01*
* **Fix:** Content type reference in the Transaction entity *2022-03-01*
* **Fix:** Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility issue *2022-03-01*
This version updates the code for handling the Revival event, which may resolve certain issues with it.
Furthermore, a few other reported issues have been resolved.
Complete Change Log

Change: Attempt to resolve issues with Revival events
Fix: Fix server error when downloading a resource version
Fix: The Wallet widget would not save the correct values when choosing which currencies to display
This version resolves an issue when loading options on certain pages other than the main AdminCP settings page.

Complete Change Log

Fix: When viewing options from pages other than the "Settings" page, a server error could be generated