Custom Maintenance Mode & Page Designer for Magento 2

Custom Maintenance Mode & Page Designer for Magento 2 1.2.0

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessCustom Maintenance Mode & Page Designer for Magento 2 1.2.0 version on NullPro Community. From Custom Maintenance Mode & Page Designer for Magento 2 have 389 Views.
Plan to upgrade your website or about to start technical works on it? And you're
looking for a possibility to hide 'constructional works' from your user, notify them
that the site is currently unavailable and want to avoid boring blank screen with
notification message?
Webinse Maintenance Mode extension is created for that purpose, and is easy to
install and configure.
It lets your users know that currently the store or website is on maintenance.
It's absolutely unique in the feature of creating a fully customized page that will
be displayed to your visitors. No more boring placeholder informational pages!
You can create this page in your company's brand style and customize every
element of it. So that simple info page looks like it was created by designers and
is a part of the site.
Extension is totally responsive for any screen resolution including mobile.
Additionally we've added cool features like:
● notifications about maintenance mode start and end for users who applied
for notification;
● countdown timer so that visitors would see visually when the store will be
back on track;
● links to your social networks to check while the site is not available.

❖ Restrict access to the frontend of your store during periods of
❖ Enable and disable maintenance mode.
❖ Maintenance mode page full customization.
❖ Configuring Allowed IP Addresses.
❖ Enable access to the frontend for admins.
❖ Simple and advanced customization of the message about technical
works on the site.
❖ Customizable countdown timer.
❖ Adding custom page background and site logo.
❖ Grid-table with customers email addresses who have left applications for
❖ Notification filter by IP which prevents from spam.
❖ Notification on the frontend for the administrators that Maintenance mode
is on.
❖ Adaptive design.
❖ Displaying social network links.

Administration & Configuration
All features and user interfaces are fully configurable, require little time to install
and can be controlled from the Magento Administration Panel.
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