CRM For WHMCS 2.10.3 Not Nulled

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Author newimage
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WHMCS V8.9 support
Solved problem where the cron path and URL fields were blank after accessing the "System Overview" section in the module's general settings - case #942
Eliminated specific notices and warnings for cron job error reporting - case #979
Resolved the "Status: fread() expects parameter 2 to be int, float given" error, which could occur during email import operation - case #981
Corrected problem related to linking a Google account in client security settings when the module was active - case #978
Solved the "Call to undefined function Slim/Http/get_magic_quotes_gpc()" error that could occur when using PHP 8.1 - case #987
Fixed the "Undefined property: stdClass::$cc" error that occurred when running the cron job for importing email messages - case #984
Other minor code corrections
  • WHMCS V8.5 support
  • Added static and custom fields mappers synchronization upon changes made in the WHMCS client profile - #851
  • Email templates sent through the CRM module will now also support the "Blind Copy" functionality if that has been configured - case #857
  • Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
  • Fixed certain issues that could cause the SQLSTATE errors when trying to access "Lead" or "Emails" sections - case #686, #867
  • Eliminated "Webform - ERROR: TypeError" error that occurred when no WHMCS client could be marked as a lead upon contact synchronization - case #848
  • Resolved problem with importing received emails with plain text as empty messages - case #864
  • Fixed "DateTime::modify(): Failed to parse time string" error message that could occur when trying to import emails using cron method - case #849, #853
  • Solved problems with populating custom fields mappers after the recent CRM module update - case #851
  • Corrected displaying of the custom fields mappers when the "°" special character was used in the name field - case #863
  • Eliminated problem with deleting a mailbox if that contained messages and attachments - case #865
  • Fixed problem with generating an invalid webform controller address if the WHMCS "System URL" field contained a slash ("/") character at the end of the address - case #868
  • The "Access To Mass Messages" permissions settings will be now taken into account properly - case #874
  • Other minor code corrections and improvements
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