Conveyor - Android Service Management App

Tested Conveyor - Android Service Management App 1.0

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A simple but unique concept to remove all hassles of your Daily Need Items
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Download and Discuss Premium, Business Tested - Conveyor - Android Service Management App 1.0 version with External download URL on NullPro Community. There are store on a third-party network disk platform. From Conveyor - Android Service Management App have 2 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 87 Views.

Conveyor – A simple but unique concept to remove all hassles of your Daily Need Items.
A simplified and unique platform to bring all the daily need suppliers at one place and facilitate customers to get several daily need items and services delivered through a single app. A great business opportunity to provide monthly subscribtions to several local service providers and allowing them to manage their services and gain new customers to generate better revenues.

This is a Service management application for tracking and managing services of daily need items like milk, vegetables, water, grocery etc.Admin can add and manage Service providers of Daily need items.Service provider can add/manage service man and customers. Service provider can track orders and locations of serviceman.

Customers can place service request for his daily need items and get their service delivered on regular basis. Service Man can make the entires of items that he delivered. A simple but unique concept to remove all hassles of your Daily Need Items.
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