Convert Forms PRO

Convert Forms PRO 4.4.2

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Author hellobut
Creation date
Added download feature to Submissions Exporter addon.
HTML and Heading fields now support the {field.ID} Smart Tag.
Fixed {submission.status} Smart Tag to display the correct label.
Fixed PHP error with reCAPTCHA field.
Fixed display disruption caused by 3rd-party modules like Phoca Top Menu.
Fixed issue with optional Signature field generating signatures without a value.
Improved code editing in Custom CSS/JavaScript and PHP Scripts sections with Codemirror.
Improved GDPR compliance by loading all 3rd-party assets locally.
Improved Phone Number field styling. Removed Style option from Button field;
all buttons now default to Flat (previous option).
  • A PHP error would appear in the form when the Math Captcha field is used.
  • Fixes php error when trying to insert the Math Captcha field into form.
  • Joomla 5 native support; no longer requires the Backward Compatibility plugin.
  • Loads all 3rd-party assets (CSS/JS) locally.
  • AcyMailing language custom fields now support auto-detection and offer a list of available languages for manual selection.
  • Fix: Integrations may fail due to a PHP 8.2 warning: "Creation of dynamic property is deprecated".
  • Fix: hCaptcha may fail to initialize
  • Fix: Editing a Joomla article or JEvents item on the front-end caused the form editor to render the form incorrectly.
  • Fix: Flac files may be rejected for upload.
  • Fix: Smart Tags that return nothing may break emails
  • Fix: The {article} Smart Tag, if used after form submission, fails to reference the correct article.
  • Fix: Failed deleting inaccessible file convertforms.php thrown when installing the extension.
  • Phone Number Field: Improve accessibility by setting the alt tag for the country flags.
  • Fix: Improves AcyMailing Integration in PHP 8.2.
  • Updates translations.
- Fix: An error would appear due to invalid input mask format.
  • Implements the Conditional Content Shortcode
  • Implements Smart Tags modifiers: prepareContent, shortNumber
  • Adds support for Subform Custom Fields in Smart Tags.
  • AcyMailing Task now triggers AcyMailing Subscription Advanced Notifications.
  • Fix: Intro/Full Article Image issues on subfolder sites created via the Content App.
  • Fix: AcyMailing ignores the langauge when a subscriber is created.
  • Fix: Ensure Convert Forms shortcodes are parsed in EngageBox Free.
  • Fix: Fields placeholder (hint) wasn't being set correctly when editing a submission.
  • Fix: Non-required Date field does not allow direct input.
  • Fix: Detect Visitor Country option may not detect the country in some circumstances.
  • Fix: Webhook data sent incorrectly in FORM request format.
  • Custom Code option renamed to Custom JavaScript and now accepts only scripts.
  • GetResponse integration improvements.Improves the Phone Number field preview in editor.
  • Fix: The form shortcode may remain unparsed in some page builders.
  • Fix: Smart Tags are not replaced in various field properties in the submission editing page.
  • Fix: Phone Number field wouldn't appear correctly when a custom column layout was selected.
  • Fix: Forms filter dropdown is not in alphabetical order.
  • Fix: Honeypot field may be incorrectly displayed due to invalid Custom CSS.
  • Fix: Cannot duplicate a campaign in Joomla 5.
  • Fix: Minor styling issue with the Apps list.
  • Fix: Deprecated: strpos(): Passing null to parameter of type string is deprecated in PHP 8.1.
Adds Search Bar to Front-end Submissions.Implements the Copy Field Value action in Conditional Fields.
Fix: The Input CSS Class option is missing in the Phone Number field.Fix: Cannot publish/unpublish campaigns using the Status column.
Fix: Placeholder for dropdown does not respect the correct color.
Fix: A wrong submitter's username is displayed in the backend submissions.
Fix: "Invalid address: (Reply-To)" when multiple Reply-To Email addresses are used.
Fix: PHP Error "Detection\MobileDetect::__construct(): Argument #2 ($config) must be of type array, null given"